
My shitty dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua


This is archived as I've switched to NixOS and manage my dotfiles with Home Manager. My NixOS flake can be found here.


My shitty catppuccin dotfiles

Repo managed using Yadm

This command will install my config directly into your config files.

yadm clone https://github.com/quasigod-io/dotfiles.git


Shell - Zsh

Terminal - Alacritty

WM - i3-gaps (Soon to be AwesomeWM)

Bar - Polybar (Soon to be Awesome's bar)

Compositor - Picom

Menus - Rofi

Keybinds - Sxhkd

Notifications - Dunst

GTK Theme - Catppuccin

Font - JetBrains Mono Nerd Font and Montserrat


These dotfiles are made for my setup and lots of stuff is hardcoded, like calling certain applications and setting things to specific monitors. I also have a bad habit of using pixels instead of percentages when configuring things so some stuff will be really small on high res. Make sure to read through the any configs you use.

Neovim, Picom, and Rofi should work out of the box on any system.