
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A package for representing, calculating and formatting money units.

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user@machine:~$ composer require unit/money


use Unit\Money\Model\Price;
use Unit\Money\Model\FractionalPrice;
use Litipk\BigNumbers\Decimal;


// Prices with an integer amount.
// The integer represents an amount in the smallest unit of the given currency.
$price = new Price(1999, 'EUR');

// Prices with a fractional amount.
// For some use cases prices must have a higher precision than the smallest currency unit allows.
$price = new FractionalPrice(Decimal::fromString('234.3464002'), 'EUR');


For formatting prices the package twig/intl-extra is used. The $attributes array and the $locale are documented with Twig's format_currency filter here.

use Unit\Money\Model\Price;
use Unit\Money\Formatter\PriceFormatter;
use Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension;


$formatter = new PriceFormatter(new IntlExtension());
$price = new Price(1999, 'EUR');

// Format
$formatter->format($price); // "€19.99"

// Cut at precision
$formatter->format($price);                          // "€19.99"
$formatter->format($price, ['fraction_digit' => 2]); // "€19.99"
$formatter->format($price, ['fraction_digit' => 1]); // "€20.0"
$formatter->format($price, ['fraction_digit' => 0]); // "€20"

The only extra option added by this package is the template option:

use Unit\Money\Model\Price;
use Unit\Money\Formatter\PriceFormatter;
use Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension;

// Custom formats can be defined by configuring the formatter ...
$formatter = new PriceFormatter(new IntlExtension(), '%price% %code%');

// ... or by using the "template" option.
$formatter->format(new Price(1999, 'EUR'), ['template' => '%price% %name%']);

The available placeholders for the template option are:

  • %price% is for example: "19,99"
  • %code% is for example: "EUR"
  • %name% is for example: "Euro"
  • %symbol% is for example: "€"

Using different locales:

use Unit\Money\Model\Price;
use Unit\Money\Formatter\PriceFormatter;
use Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension;


$formatter = new PriceFormatter(new IntlExtension());
$price = new Price(100000, 'INR');

$formatter->format($price, [
    'template' => '%symbol%%price% %code% (%name%)',
], 'en_US'); // "₹1,000.00 INR (Indian Rupee)"

// In different locales
$formatter->format($price, [
    'template' => '%price% %name%',
], 'en_US'); // "1,000.00 Indian Rupee"
$formatter->format($price, [
    'template' => '%price% %name%',
], 'de_AT'); // "1.000,00 Indische Rupie"


For calculating prices the package litipk/php-bignumbers is used. See their documentation here.

use Unit\Money\Model\Price;
use Unit\Money\Calculator\PriceCalculator;

$calculator = new PriceCalculator();

// Basic calculations
$price = $calculator->add(new Price(100, 'EUR'), new Price(100, 'EUR')); // The new price represents 2 EUR
$price = $calculator->subtract(new Price(100, 'EUR'), new Price(100, 'EUR'));
$price = $calculator->multiplyWithInteger(new Price(100, 'EUR'), 2);
$fractionalPrice = $calculator->multiplyWithDecimal(new Price(100, 'EUR'), '2.04');

// Allocation per percentages (not implemented yet)
[$a, $b] = $calculator->allocate(new Price(5, 'EUR'), [70, 30]);
$a->getAmount(); // 4
$b->getAmount(); // 1

[$a, $b] = $calculator->allocate(new Price(5, 'EUR'), [30, 70]); // Order matters
$a->getAmount(); // 2
$b->getAmount(); // 3

// Allocation to a number of targets (not implemented yet)
[$a, $b, $c] = $calculator->allocateTo(new Price(5, 'EUR'), 3);
$a->getAmount(); // 267
$b->getAmount(); // 267
$c->getAmount(); // 266


For some development tools the Symfony binary has to be installed:

user@machine:~$ wget https://get.symfony.com/cli/installer -O - | bash

Build repo for development:

user@machine:~$ git clone git@github.com:michaelKaefer/money.git
user@machine:~$ cd money/
user@machine:~$ make build-dev


user@machine:~$ make tests
// Build PHP code coverage
user@machine:~$ make code-coverage


user@machine:~$ make composer-validate
user@machine:~$ make security-check
user@machine:~$ make psalm-dry-run
user@machine:~$ make cs-fixer-dry-run


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.