React Native Boilerplate

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A React Native boilerplate with Expo, Redux, React Navigation, Styled Components and some 💕 included.

React Native Boilerplate


  • Run with Expo: [React Native Boilerplate]


Getting Started

Clone this repository

$ git clone new-project

Install node modules, Yarn is highly recommended.

$ yarn

Open and start project using Expo XDE or use the CLI :

$ expo start

Run on Android/iOS device or simulator

$ expo ios
$ expo android

Open project in any code editors and have fun 🍻


All PRs are welcome 💕


Important Note Change the slug in app.json when you want to live

expo account user name : joshuaprosperna password: joshuaprosperna1234

Get the SHA-1 Fingerprint Certificate of App for Google Sign in $ keytool -list -printcert -jarfile <FILE_NAME>.apk

$ MD5: 6F:8B:F5:D6:F1:87:8C:CE:26:C7:A0:65:08:6C:A2:BB $ SHA1: E3:C2:F3:1E:0D:06:0B:49:61:69:98:3A:5E:6D:DE:7B:77:C7:A6:23 $ SHA256: 93:CB:D6:05:38:E8:71:E3:4E:FA:F5:FC:AA:32:6D:72:9C:AB:AC:0A:9D:D7:99:0E:09:DB:CB:15:76:D5:E3:E8