Guidance for migrating from Azure Databricks to Synapse Spark Analytics

This repo contains guidance including code samples to document challenges one might face while migrating from Azure Databricks to Synapse Spark and solutions to these challenges.

Issue Reason Solution Related files
HttpException TBF TBF TBF
Tables which needs graphframes library (no PK, UK tables) are giving error Graphframes jar used by ADB is not the public version of library and thus differs from one used in Spark Setup correct Graphframes jar Code sample - Graphframes
Date Format Issue Occurs when statistics are collected for the date column during checkpointing. These statistics are not used for filter file-pruning and thus can be safely switched off without impacting performance Add spark configuration to turn off stats collection for delta Code sample - Date Format
SQL Paas connection error TBF TBF TBF

Code sample - Date Format

spark.conf.set("", "false") # turning off statistics
tableExample = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, centralized_table_path)
tableExample.recomputeStatistics() # removing existing statistics, needed to execute only once

Code sample - Graphframes

How to setup graphframes:

  1. Generated a whl file to add to the workspace following steps to generate the whl file.
  2. Upload the generated whl file and the jar for same version to the spark pool.
  3. Test the installation of graphframes by executing example from official docs.

Steps to generate whl file: Several resources available for generating whl file like the one below:

  1. Download required zip version from here. Unzip available in path graphrames-zip-folder/python/
  2. Modify the to have some basic info, sample at the end of the doc.
  3. Install wheel: pip install wheel setuptools
  4. Build whl file: python path/to/ bdist_wheel. Whl file would be generated in the graphrames-zip-folder/python/dist/
  5. Test that package is installed using whl file locally: python3 -m pip install dist/graphframes-0.8.2-py3-none-any.whl


"""A setuptools based setup module.

# Always prefer setuptools over distutils
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import pathlib

VERSION = '0.0.1'
DESCRIPTION = 'My first Python package'
LONG_DESCRITPTION = 'My first Python package with a slightly longer description'


    # There are some restrictions on what makes a valid project name
    # specification here:
    name='graphframes',  # Required

    version='0.8.2',  # Required

    description='A sample Python project',  # Optional

    author='Author Name',  # Optional

    package_dir={'': 'graphframes'},  # Optional

    packages=find_packages(where='graphframes'),  # Required

    python_requires='>=3.6, <4',
    project_urls={  # Optional
        'Bug Reports': '',
        'Funding': '',
        'Say Thanks!': '',
        'Source': '',


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