
She Code Africa Mentoring program - Cohort 3 Applicants Technical assessment

She Code Africa Mentoring program - Cohort 3 Applicants Technical assessment

The She Code Africa mentoring program is a 3months cohort-style, intensive program specifically designed to pair experienced individuals excelling in their specific tech fields with beginners in need of a guide and learning path while helping them grow in required ways in their career fields.

The technical assessment provides us an idea of the learning efforts you have put in towards your learning journey for your choosen track.

To start your technical assessment, kindly select a track and level that applies to you below :




Data Science





Submission info:

To submit your solution,

  • kindly head back to the original application form: https://bit.ly/SCA-mentee-C3 ,
  • submit the URL to your solution in the required field
  • fill in other required details on the form
  • Submit

Submission / Application Deadline: 14th August 2020

Your solution doesn't have to be perferct before submission, Good luck!