
OpenTurbine will be in active development throughout FY23

OpenTurbine is a new, open-source wind turbine structural dynamics simulation code designed to meet the research needs of WETO and the broader wind energy community for land-based and offshore wind turbines. OpenTurbine will provide high-fidelity, highly performant structural dynamics models that can couple with low-fidelity aerodynamic/hydrodynamic models like those in OpenFAST, and high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models like those in the WETO and Office of Science supported ExaWind code suite.

OpenTurbine will follow modern software development best practices. The development process will require test-driven development, version control, hierarchical automated testing, and continuous integration leading to a robust development environment. The core data structures will be memory efficient and will enable vectorization and parallelization at multiple levels. They will be data-oriented in order exploit methods for accelerated computing including high utilization of chip resources (e.g., single instruction multiple data [SIMD]), parallelization through GPU or other hardware, and support for memory-efficient architectures. The computational algorithms will incorporate robust open-source libraries for mathematical operations, resource allocation, and data management. Finally, the API design will consider multiple stakeholder needs and ensure integration with existing and future ecosystems for data science, machine learning, and AI.

OpenTurbine is written in modern C++ and leverages Kokkos as its performance-portability library with inspiration from the ExaWind stack.