
Wireguard in the cloud, fast and easy

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Wireform is a collection of terraform modules for complete initialization of a wireguard endpoint in the cloud for use as a VPN.

The goal of this project is to make it very easy to build and tear down a wireguard endpoint in the cloud, such that one can be created and destroyed on demand.


Check the provider folders for requirements.


This repo is a set of provider-specific modules for setting up a wireguard endpoint, accessible only with the keys you provide when setting up the instance. The private key also never leaves the VM!

Note: None of example keys here are in use. 😉


For example, with GCP, the following terraform can be used to set up the wireguard endpoint.

module "init" {
  source = "./init"

  billing_account = "01C913-9473DA-F05E90"
  region = "us-east1"

module "instance" {
  source = "./instance"

  project_id = module.init.project_id
  subnetwork = module.init.subnetwork
  source_ranges = [
  peers = [
      PublicKey = cralfZjaxUU61lhBFuQAY4s0H6oIdNyyOKo1jxuY/hg=
      AllowedIPs ="

There are more variables in the instance module, check gcp/instance.


  • instance.interface - Extra provider specific information about the endpoint for use in the [Interface] section of client configs (see below).
  • instance.public_key - Endpoint public key
  • instance.ip - Public IP of the instance
  • instance.port - Port where wireguard listens on the instance


We can combine these outputs with a template file to generate a valid wireguard config:

The template file contains a partial config, e.g. with your public key already filled in. See tmpl.conf.example:

Address =
PrivateKey = 3ecEHBYaTaqXEr08MjYiwyPu8DBuk2LX5VPzHQPyxRw=

PreUp = ./wg-vpn PreUp
PostUp = ./wg-vpn PostUp
PreDown = ./wg-vpn PreDown
PostDown = ./wg-vpn PostDown

PublicKey = ${endpoint_pubkey}
Endpoint = ${endpoint_ip}:${endpoint_port}
AllowedIPs =

In the third line, interface is a way for provider-specific changes to be added to the template. With GCP for example, the MTU needs to be altered.

Complete example

Let's integrate the GCP endpoint provider with config generation along with using sops to protect our client information:

$ sops -d secrets.yaml
billing_account: XX-XX
region: us-east1
peers: |
    PublicKey = cralfZjaxUU61lhBFuQAY4s0H6oIdNyyOKo1jxuY/hg=
    AllowedIPs =
$ cat main.tf
variable "values_file" {
  type = string

locals {
  values = yamldecode(file(var.values_file))

module "init" {
  source = "https://github.com/michaelbeaumont/wireform//gcp/init"

  billing_account = local.values.billing_account
  region = local.values.region

module "instance" {
  source = "https://github.com/michaelbeaumont/wireform//gcp/instance"

  project_id = module.init.project_id
  subnetwork = module.init.subnetwork
  source_ranges = local.values.source_ranges
  peers = local.values.peers

output "conf" {
  value = templatefile("tmpl.conf.example", {
    interface = module.instance.interface_extra,
    endpoint_pubkey = module.instance.public_key,
    endpoint_ip = module.instance.ip,
    endpoint_port = module.instance.port,

This can be executed with the following command:

$ sops exec-file --no-fifo secrets.yaml 'terraform apply -var values_file={}'

The final, ready to use config can be retrieved with:

$ terraform output conf