Obtaining the key to Success (michaelbiberich/the-key-to-success)

A short digital treasure hunt experience.

What is this?

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Obtaining the key to Success is a short digital treasure hunt. The goal is to find the correct key that is needed to obtain Success.

This key has been separated into six pieces. All pieces must be collected and put together in the right way to reveal the original key.

Important: Make sure that you read the whole Readme carefully!

What will I need?

You will at least need the following tools:

You will also need to know the following:

The pieces of the key are hidden on these sites:

What are the rules?

  1. Have fun :)
  2. Try to follow the leads, don't brute force it.
  3. Don't spoil yourself by asking for/looking up the answers.
  4. Don't spoil others.

What do I do if I get stuck?

If you ever get stuck, try to stop, take a deep breath and go a step back.

Reevaluate what you already know and try to think of which things you tried and which not.

Here are some hints:

The key to Success is hidden in plain sight.

To obtain the key, one must read between the lines.

See the invisible, achieve the impossible.

According to the Many-worlds interpretation every event is a branch point, creating an alternate timeline branching off of the current timeline.

All hints contain important information, even this one!

Anything else?

With all this information I wish you good luck ;)