
On the Bahmni server

Create the target directory in /opt:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/bahmni

Give permissions to the required users:

sudo setfacl -m "u:<username>:rwX" /opt/bahmni
sudo setfacl -m "d:u:<username>:rwX" /opt/bahmni

Clone this repo:

git clone /opt/bahmni

If you have trouble login in, you can also copy your (passphrase protected!!) ssh key to the server, add it to your github account and clone via ssh:

git clone /opt/bahmni/

And copy over the config file and edit it:

cp .env.template .env
vim .env

On the development machine

From the development machine (nixos-dev in Ixelles) we set up a reverse tunnel to access the Docker registry:

ssh -N -R 5000:localhost:5000 maadi-emr-a

On the Bahmni server

Pull the image, bring up the container and watch the logs:

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f