
XGameDev - a cross-platform game development library, featuring Linux, OSX, Windows, iOS, Android

Primary LanguageCMakeGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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       Copyright (c) 2015 by Michael Borgmann <michaelborgmann@mailbox.org>


1. Introduction

XGameDev is a cross-platform game development library, featuring Linux, Android,
Mac OS X, iOS, Windows (MinGW/MSVC).

2. Build from Sources

Toolchain: C++, CMake, Git
Dependencies: Lua, LuaBridge, GMock, SDL2, TinyXML2, GMock

2.1 Mac OS X

My development platform is Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). I don't know how the build
process works on other versions of OSX, even though I started on earlier
versions of OSX.

I made the build toolchain useable from the command line. So you should be
comfortable with the Terminal app.

a) Prepare the Toolchain

   * Install Xcode (developer.apple.com/xcode)
     It's Apple, so you need Xcode. Install from the App Store. It's free.

   * Install toolchain with Homebrew (www.brew.sh)
     Simply add Unix tools to your system with Homebrew (or MacPorts). Afterwards
     you can use 'brew' to install whatever you like from the repository. This
     project requires: Git, CMake, Mercurial, Subversion, and maybe TMux. You
     can use the macosx.sh script to install Homebrew and any components:
     $ setup/macosx.sh

     I combined the steps to install the toolchain and frameworks into a simple
     script. It installs follwoing toolchain components:
     - Homebrew
     - Git
     - CMake
     - Mercurial
     - Subversion
     - TMux

b) Install Frameworks

    Prebuild frameworks have to be installed to /Library/Frameworks (or maybe
    somewhere else as into ~/Library/Frameworks).

    I simplified this process with the macosx.sh script. It installs:
    - SDL2: www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php
    - SDL2_image: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image
    - SDL2_ttf: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf
    - SDL2_mixer: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer
    - GMock
    - Lua

c) Get the Sources

   Get the source code from the Git repository:
   $ git clone ssh://account@url/path/xgamedev.git

d) Create Xcode Project Files

   CMake makes it simple to create a project which can be build with Xcode.
   * Create a build directory within the root directory of XGameDev:
     $ mkdir build.macosx
     $ cd build.macosx
   * Create the Xcode project files:
     $ cmake .. -G Xcode
   * Build the project form command line (or load it into Xcode):
     $ xcodebuild -alltargets -configuration Release|Debug

If everything's fine, that's all for Mac OS X.

2.2 iOS 

For iOS development you need a Mac with Xcode installed. If you do it as I do,
your not done yet: I go the hardcore Unix console way of programming.

a) Prepare the Toolchain

   The installation of the toolchain is almost the same for Mac OS X. You need
   Xcode and Homebrew. Additionally you can install some brew packages. For
   simplicity, run the ios.sh script:
   $ . setup/ios.sh

   The following toolchain components will be installed:
   - Homebrew
   - Git
   - CMake
   - Mercurial
   - Subversion
   - TMux
   - ios-sim
   - reattach-to-user-namespace

b) Install Libraries

   The libraries I use have to be manually build for iOS. There's not really a
   way around. However, I tried to make it as easy and repititive as possible.
   This is step is combined with the previous by launching the ios.sh script:
   $ . setup/ios.sh

   It will install and build follwing libraries automatically:
   - SDL2: www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php
   - SDL2_image: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image
   - SDL2_ttf: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf
   - SDL2_mixer: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer
   - GMock
   - Lua (only install, but will be build with the xgamedev)

c) Create Xcode Project Files

   Creating an iOS project for Xcode and build it is not really simple, but I
   tried to make using CMake for that task as easy a possible from the terminal.

   * Set an alias to the previously installed iOS CMake Toolchain file (found at
     cmake/toolchain/ios-cmake). Simply lauch the ios.sh script, and
     check with the alias command in the shell if it's added:
     $ . setup/iOS_CMake.sh
   * Create a build directory within the root directory of XGameDev:
     $ mkdir build.ios
     $ cd build.ios
   * Create the iOS Xcode project files:
     $ ios-cmake .. -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR|OS
   * Build the project
     $ xcodebuild -alltargets -configruation Debug|Release

d) Run App in Simulator

   I prefer to launch my apps in the simulator with the ios-sim script already
   installed by brew:
   $ ios-sim launch Demo.app
   $ ios-sim launch TEST.app

   Using tmux, I ran into trouble with the ios-sim, and have to install the
   package reattach-to-user-namespace. Afterward I can rerun the ios-sim:
   $ reattach-to-user-namespace ios-sim launch ShootOrDie.app

2.3 Android

Even though Android is an open source system using Java and supports native
development, it is by far the most complicated system.

a) Prepare the Toolchain

   Installation and usage of Android somehow depends on the operating system you
   are using. Currently my main development system is Mac OS X. Basically you
   have to install the Android SDK + NDK.

   The Android toolchain can be simply installed with the android.sh script
   $ . setup/android.sh

   This will install following toolchain components:
   - Homebrew
   - Git
   - CMake
   - Mercurial
   - Subversion
   - TMux
   - Android SDK
   - Android NDK
   - Android Toolchain

   * Install an SDK Version
     This step may be required if no Android SDK version is installed!
     Android will not be installed completely, you have to specify which
     version you want to use. Launch this tool and install, e.g. version 19:
     $ android

b) Install Libraries
   All libraries for Android have to be build manually. The same setup script as
   in the step above will make this too.
   $ . setup/android.sh

   Following libraries will be installed using the NDK:
   - SDL2: www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php
   - SDL2_image: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image
   - SDL2_ttf: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf
   - SDL2_mixer: www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer
   - GMock
   - Lua

c) Create XCode Project and Build Sources

   After the toolchain is installed and all 3rd party libraries have been build,
   you can build your own code, but only as libraries:

   * Now, you can build the XGameDev C++ code, which will create Android
     libraries. This will be done in a separate build directory within the
     $ mkdir build.android
     $ cd build.android
     $ android-cmake ..
     $ make

d) Build Android Project

   After you build the native libraries, you have to embedd them into a Java app
   for Android, which is quiet tricky.

   * Create Android Project
     First, you have to setup an Android project directory, with build files,
     sources, and resources. The process is automated in the Android_Build.sh
     script (which may need minor modifications):
     $ setup/build_android.sh
   * Build Android Project
     Now, you are ready to build the Android project itself:
     $ cd android-project
     $ ant debug

e) Install App on Android Device/Simulator

   If the app build correctly you can install it on your Android device, and
   pray that nothing is broken:

   * Install App on Device
     Connect your device and just upload the app:
     $ ant debug install
   * Install App on Simulator
     This requires to create a virtual android device,
     $ android avd
     where you can upload your up:
     $ adb install -r bin/ShootOrDie-debug.apk

f) Debug Android App

   If something is doesn't work as expected, the debugging messages are likely
   your best friends:
   - Watch debug messages
     $ adb logcat
   - Clear debug messages
     $ adb logcat -c
   - Record debug messages
     $ adb logcat > debug.log
   Android redirects the standard output to /dev/null, so you have to prepare
   the adb to show messages:
     $ adb root
     $ adb shell stop
     $ adb shell setprop log.redirect-stdio true
     $ adb shell start
   Show only debug messages from the standard output (requires redirecting):
     $ adb logcat | grep -e "stdout"

2.4 Linux

Building the sources and running the app can be very different depending on the
used Linux distribution. I use Debian for development and testing inside
VirtualBox, and try to make this step easily reproducable.

a) Install VirtualBox (virtualbox.org)

   Depending on your operating system, download VirtualBox from their website,
   and while you are there, also get the GuestAdditions.

b) Install Debian (debian.org)

   Installing Linux into VirtualBox may take a while. For speed and usability
   I decided to use Debian as test and development platform. Get an ISO from
   their website, like the Network Boot (netinst), which will install the latest
   Debian packages from the internet during the installation. When you are done,
   you have to setup Debian for producion.

   Add your user to Sudoers:
   $ su
   # visudo
   Insert your user into 'Allow members of group sudo to execute any command':
   %username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

   Add missing packages:
   $ sudo apt-get install vim tmux
   $ sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential mercurial automake libtool
   $ sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev #libglu1-mesa-dev
   $ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev

c) Get XGameDev Sources

   Get the sources using Git:
   $ git clone ssh://login@domain/path/shootordie.git

d) Build Libraries (SDL, Lua)

   Before you are able to build XGameDev, you have to install any used
   libraries. Simple start the script Linux_Libs from within the root
   directory of the project (requires root)
   $ setup/Linux_Libs.sh

   To uninstall the libraries use the Linux_Uninstall script:
   $ setup/Linux_Uninstall.sh

e) Build XGameDev

   Now you should be able to build XGameDev. First, create a build directory
   within the root directory of the project:
   mkdir build.linux
   cd build.linux
   cmake ..

NOTE: If you have problems to get fullscreen, there is a Debian_Setup script,
which may be what you are looking for:
$ setup/Debina_Setup.sh

2.5 Windows (MS Visual Studio)

    To use the MSVC command line tools, you have to integrate it into the
    PowerShell. As I'm absolutely not comfortable with Windows, I simply provide
    a little hack to get this done:

    - Open the PowerShell as Administrator to setup:
      $ Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
      $ New-Item -Path $Profile -ItemType file -Force
      $ notepad $profile
    - Add the following snippet to the profile.ps1:

#Set environment variables for Visual Studio Command Prompt
pushd 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC'
cmd /c "vcvarsall.bat&set" |
foreach {
  if ($_ -match "=") {
    $v = $_.split("="); set-item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])"  -value "$($v[1])"
write-host "`nVisual Studio 2010 Command Prompt variables set." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Now you should be able to use MSVC from command line

    Install SDL2 to your system
    - Get SDL2 developer package for MSVC
    - Install it to your system (mine is C:\SDKs\SDL2-2.0.3)
    - Do the same for SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_mixer

    Build GMock:
    - Traverse into external/gmock/build.msvc (create if needed)
    - Create project: cmake ..
    - Build project: msbuild all_build.vsxproj

    Now you can build the project
    - Create an external build directory inside your project
      $ mkdir build.msvc
      $ cd build.msvc
    - Create the project build files
      $ cmake ..
    - Build the app in Debug/Release mode
      $ MSBuild.exe ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
    - To run the app you have to copy the SDL2.dll to your binary

2.6 Windows (MinGW)

    Install MinGW to your system
    - Get the MinGW Compiler Suite (mingw-get-setup.exe), and install packages
    - Integrate MinGW into PowerShell, appending the PATH environment variables
      $ $env:PATH = $env:PATH + ";C:\MinGW\bin"

    Install SDL2 to your system
    - Get SDL2 developer package for MinGW (also includes the MSVC package)
    - Install it to your system (mine is C:\SDKs\SDL2-2.0.3)

    Build GMock:
    - Traverse into external/gmock/build.mingw (create if needed)
    - Create project: cmake .. -G "MinGw Makefiles"
    - Build project: mingw32-make

    Now you can build the project
    - Create an external build directory inside your project
      $ mkdir build.mingw
      $ cd build.mingw
    - Create the project build files
      $ cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
      $ mingw32-make
    - To run the app you have to copy the SDL2.dll to your binary

3. Known Issues
LuaBridge is somewhat messy and needs fixes (I hope to supply a patches later).

LuaBridge misses a 'isBoolean' function, which is easy to add. Simply edit the
details/LuaRef.h file and append two times following line (at isNil, isNumber):
        inline bool isBoolean () const { return type () == LUA_TBOOLEAN; }

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