
Maven port of Netflix's DGS codegen gradle plugin

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GitHub Workflow Status GitHub release (latest SemVer) License

A Maven port of Netflix's DGS codegen gradle plugin. The core code to generate the classes already exists as its own module, so this is plugin is just a thin wrapper around that.

Sample Usage

Add the following plugin to your Maven build:


The dependency is available from jitpack.io. You can use the following repo declaration:




Generates classes for the DGS framework.

Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: generate-sources.

Required Parameters

Property Type Since Description
packageName String 1.0.0 The package name to use for generated classes

Optional Parameters

Property Type Since Description
schemaPaths File[] 1.0.0 Path to directory/directories containing GraphQL schemas. Default: ${project.build.sourceDirectory}/../resources/schema
subPackageNameClient String 1.0.0 The package under packageName to place client classes. Default: client
subPackageNameDatafetchers String 1.0.0 The package under packageName to place data fetcher classes. Default: datafetchers
subPackageNameTypes String 1.0.0 The package under packageName to place types. Default: types
language String 1.0.0 The programming language that generated classes should use. Valid values are KOTLIN and JAVA. Default is inferred from the classpath
typeMapping Map 1.0.0 A map from GraphQL type name to Java class name, e.g. for scalars
generateBoxedTypes boolean 1.0.0 Whether to use boxed types, e.g. java.lang.Integer, for non-nullable fields (nullable fields must use boxed types, so that null can represent absence of a value). Default: false
generateClient boolean 1.0.0 Whether to generate classes for a GraphQL client. Default: false
generateDataTypes boolean 1.1.0 Generate data types. Useful for only generating a Query API. Input types are still generated when generateClient is true. Default: true
generateInterfaces boolean 1.1.0 Whether to generate additional interfaces with an 'I' prefix for classes. Default: false
generateKotlinNullableClasses boolean 1.4.0 Whether to generate data classes matching GraphQL nullability. Default: false
generateKotlinClosureProjections boolean 1.4.0 ????. Default: false
generateInterfaceSetters boolean 1.3.0 Whether to include setters in generated interfaces. Default: true
outputDir File 1.0.0 The directory to place generated classes. Default: ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/annotations/
examplesOutputDir File 1.0.0 The directory to place generated examples. Default: ${project.build.directory}/generated-examples
includeQueries String[] 1.0.0 If present, only generate classes for the queries specified in this list
includeMutations String[] 1.0.0 If present, only generate classes for the mutations in this list
includeSubscriptions String[] 1.3.0 If present, only generate classes for the subscriptions in this list
skipEntityQueries boolean 1.0.0 Whether to skip entity queries. Default: false
shortProjectionNames boolean 1.0.0 Whether to shorten projection names. See ClassnameShortener. e.g. "ThisIsATest" becomes "ThIsATe". Default: false
omitNullInputFields boolean 1.2.0 If true, fields with null values won't be included in toString() output. Default: false
maxProjectionDepth int 1.1.0 Maximum projection depth to generate. Useful for (federated) schemas with very deep nesting. Default: 10
kotlinAllFieldsOptional boolean 1.2.0 If true, generates nullable fields in Kotlin even when a field is defined non-nullable in the schema. Default: false
snakeCaseConstantNames boolean 1.2.0 If true, constants will be named in snake case e.g. PERSON_META_DATA. If false, they will be named without underscores, e.g. PERSONMETADATA. Default: false
generateCustomAnnotations boolean 1.4.0 Whether to generate custom annotations. Default: false
includeImports Map 1.4.0 Maps the custom annotation type to the package the annotations belong to. Only used when generateCustomAnnotations is enabled
includeEnumImports Map 1.4.0 Maps the custom annotation and enum argument names to the enum packages. Only used when generateCustomAnnotations is enabled
javaGenerateAllConstructor boolean 1.4.0 Whether to generate an all-arg constructor for data classes. Default: true
implementSerializable boolean 1.4.0 Whether generated classes implement Serializable. Default: false
addGeneratedAnnotation boolean 1.4.0 Whether to generate and apply a class-retention Generated annotation. Default: false
addDeprecatedAnnotation boolean 1.4.0 Whether to add the Deprecated annotation to schema fields with a deprecated directive. Default: false

Upgrading the core

It's likely that the Gradle plugin will be updated more frequently than I update this Maven plugin. Provided their changes are backwards-compatible, you don't have to wait for a release of the Maven plugin to pick up a change. You can simply override the version of graphql-dgs-codegen-core to use the newer version. There's an example of how to do that here.