Nottingham Sports Awards website

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On-boarding – Getting Started

The section assumes you have GIT, VirtualBox and Vagrant set up. You may need to adjust as needed for your local development system.


Clone this repository into your development area:

git clone

Copy the sample.env file and rename it to .env.

cp ./sample.env ./.env

Run Vagrant:

vagrant up

View your development site

Visit http://www.nottinghamsportsawards.local to view the development site.

Accessing the MySQL database

Vagrant's MySQL database can be accessed through SSH using the following credentials:

  • SSH Host: nottinghamsportsawards.local
  • SSH User: vagrant
  • SSH Password: vagrant
  • MySQL Host:
  • MySQL User: root
  • MySQL Password: root
  • MySQL Database: wordpress

Testing Your Changes

Our test suite is run on every commit pushed to this repository.

Updating WordPress and Plugins

To upgrade to the latest PATCH versions of WordPress or its plugins re-provision Vagrant by running vagrant provision from your command line.

Upgrading to a MAJOR or MINOR version you will need to manually update require and require-dev sections of the composer.json file and re-provision Vagrant by running vagrant provision from your command line.

After testing the new version(s) commit the updated composer.json and composer.lock files back the the repository for deployment.

Making Your Changes

Make your changes locally on a new branch based off origin/master. Commit your changes to your new branch. Push your changes to this repository run our test suite.

Deploying to our Staging Server

Once our tests are passed, create a pull request to merge into our develop branch. After approval and merging this will be deployed to our staging server.

Deploying to our Live Server

If you are happy with your changes. Create a pull request to merge your original branch into master (not develop). On merge this will start the deployment process to our live server.


During the Alpha/Beta stages, due to constant changes, documentation will be mainly written in-line. With a dedicated section being created at the first major release.

Folder Structure

├── composer.json
├── config
│   ├── application.php
│   └── environments
│       ├── development.php
│       ├── staging.php
│       └── production.php
├── html
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── plugins
│   │   ├── plugins-mu
│   │   ├── themes
│   │   └── languages
│   ├── media
│   ├── wp-config.php
│   ├── index.php
│   └── wp
├── scripts
└── vendor
  • In order not to expose sensitive files in the webroot, we move what's required into a html/ directory including the vendor's wp/ source, and the wp-content source.
  • wp-content has been named app to better reflect its contents. It contains application code and not just "static content". It also matches up with other frameworks such as Symfony and Rails.
  • wp-config.php remains in the web/ because it's required by WordPress, but it only acts as a loader. The actual configuration files have been moved to config/ for better separation.
  • vendor/ is where the Composer managed dependencies are installed to.
  • wp/ is where the WordPress core lives. It's also managed by Composer but can't be put under vendor due to WP limitations.
  • uploads has been named media and moved outside the app folder to better separate code and "static" content.
  • scripts/ hold the bash scripts used for setting up and running tasks on the environment.

Reporting Issues

If you spot any issues please create a ticket via GitHub's Issue Tracker. Including the issue, the browser and operating system, and how to replicate it. If the issue is security related please use the contact information below.

Contributing to this project

This project follow the WordPress Coding Standard for PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


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Unless otherwise stated © Trinity Mirror. All rights reserved.