
Demo WordPress project with testing workflows

WordPress Testing Demo

Demo WordPress project with testing workflows.

Project URLs

Development Dependencies


During the Alpha/Beta stages, due to constant changes, documentation will be mainly written in-line. With a dedicated section being created at the first major release.

Folder Structure

├── .github
├── bin
├── node_modules
├── tests
│   ├── index.php
│   ├── wp-config.php
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── plugins
│   │   ├── mu-plugins
│   │   ├── themes
│   │   └── languages
│   └── wp
├── tools
├── vendor
├── .wp-env.json
├── package.json
└── composer.json
  • /.github GitHub config files eg, GitHub Action workflows.
  • /bin Comand-line executables.
  • /node_modules Compiled NodeJS dependences, ignored from repo.
  • /vendor Where the Composer managed dependencies are installed to.
  • /tests/ Test code.
  • /tools/ Development tools.
  • /vendor Compiled PHP dependencies, ignored from repo.
  • .wp-env.json WordPress ENV management config.
  • composer.json PHP dependency management config.
  • package.json NodeJS dependency management config.


To contribute to this project:

  • Create a branch off main eg, feature/feature-name, hotfix/broken-part, or {issue-number}-{name-of-feature}
  • Push code to this branch once is becomes usable. Checking against our Coding Standards composer run test. Pushing often giving other chance to review and run QA tests against your new code. Rebasing from main will let you check you code works against production code
  • When finished or requiring feedback, test your code on staging, pushing it to a branch prefixed with staging/ to deploy to this projects staging server
  • Any fixes should be applied to the origin branch and merged into your staging branch
  • Once ready to be signed-off, create a pull request from your original branch in to main, assign a review and message the appropriate developer or channel. Detailing any changes that need to be made to the database/CMS
  • With sign-off and passings tests, rebase and merge your branch into main

Reporting Issues

If you spot any issues please create a ticket via the project's Issue Tracker. Including the issue, the browser and operating system, and how to replicate it. If the issue is security related please use the contact information below.

Contributing to this project

This project follow the WordPress Coding Standard for PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Michael Bragg - email@michaelbragg.com