Tea Twitter Collection

Get set up:

conda create -n twitter python=2.7 sqlalchemy pandas psycopg2
source activate twitter
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create twitter_keys.py:



Create a query.json file:

  "q": "tea -\"tea party\"",
  "lang": "en"

Collect tweets:

python collection.py query.json 2> query.err

Get info about the first and last tweets in a raw json file:

python first_last.py query.raw.json

Sample lines in a file:

python sample.py 0.10 < query.raw.json > query.sampled.json

Convert tweets to csv:

python conversion.py query.raw.json > query.raw.csv

Convert a bunch of tweet json files to csv:

for f in *.raw.json; do
  python conversion.py $f > $( basename $f .json).csv;

Combine a bunch of CSV files together:

# Get the header from one csv file
head -n 1 first_csv.raw.csv > combined.csv
# Get the body of all of the rest (watch out you aren't reading from the output file though)
gtail -q -n +2 *.raw.csv >> combined.csv