Spark West Network

Spark West Network is an umbrella marketing platform that draws together, assists, and coordinates the various organizations, events, and people that define our region’s unique entrepreneurial opportunities. The Spark West website aims to act as a platform for hosting the unique events and opportunities that make up western Nova Scotia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Build Setup

Create .env in the root of the project. Copy the contents .env_example or the following into .env:

API_KEY=<api key>
AUTH_DOMAIN=<auth domain>
DATABASE_URL=<database url>
PROJECT_ID=<project id>
STORAGE_BUCKET=<storage bucket>
MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=<messaging sender>
APP_ID=<app id>
MEASURMENT_ID=<measurment id>
MAILCHIMP_KEY=<mailchimp api key>

Replace text surronded by <> along with the brackets with its corrosponding information

Navigate to nuxt.config.json and set to true

Remember to set to false before pushing to production

pwa: {
    // ...
    workbox: {
        // ...
        dev: true,

Then run the following commands:

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the Nuxt.js docs and the Firebase docs

Firebase Functions Setup

To devlop, test, and deploy Firebase Cloud Functions, cd to the functions directory and run:

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve an emulated cloud environment for testing
$ npm serve

# deploy just the functions to Firebase
$ npm deploy

For deatiled explanation on how things work, check out the Cloud Functions docs