
A Postgres/PostGIS dump of FeatureCollections for the African continent. Useful for those instances where you have to fire up a Postgres/PostGIS instance for use with libraries such as Leaflet but do not have sufficient time to generate the required set or install tools (e.g. QGIS) for the purpose

Primary LanguageTSQL


Africa-geojson is a SQL script to enable you to create a database table in PostGres with African Continent GeoJSON data.

Set Up

You need access to a PostGresql database instance. Download the file and run the following command in the terminal:

psql -U [database-username] countries < africa.geojson.sql


The resulting table can be queried to obtain a geojson set that can be used in libraries such as leaflet.js. The following is an example query to retrieve the GeoJson data for a specific country using the country name:

SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform((geom),4326),6) AS geojson FROM countries where admin like 'Zimbabwe'

The query returns the following result:
