
MenuCarlo helps F&B owners optimize their menu using their historical transactions data.

Primary LanguagePython


MenuCarlo helps F&B owners optimize their menu using their historical transactions data. We make menu engineering and data science techniques accessible to non-technical business owners.

  • Understand Your Business. Instantly learn about how popular/profitable your menu items are. Find out how your revenue changed over time.
  • Optimize Your Menu. Learn how you can modify your menu to maximize profits, using custom simulations run for you.
  • Set and Forget. Connect to your Square account after signing up and never worry about importing data.



Username: demo

Password: demo2021

How It Works

MenuCarlo's backend is built using Django and Django Rest Framework.

  1. Authentication. JWT auth is handles using DRF-simpleJWT. Access tokens expire in 5 minutes, while refresh tokens expire in 24 hours. API routes /token, /token/refresh and /token/verify are used for login, refreshing tokens, and verifying tokens respectively.
  2. Periodic Tasks. Celery tasks, in conjunction with django-celery-beat and Redis, automatically extracts new transactions data from Square every 12 hours, then reruns analytics and simulation results after incorporating the new data.
  3. Data Storage. PostgreSQL is our database of choice. Since historical transactions data needs to be stored and periodically processed, AWS S3 serves as static file storage. django-storages allows us to integrate S3 into our Django app.
  4. Hosting. The backend app itself, along with PostgreSQL and Redis, are hosted on Heroku's free tier.

Internal API Docs (Generated by Postman)

Check out MenuCarlo's frontend here!