
Send PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests from any HTML element

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Send PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests from any HTML element

A lightweight (minified 2kb, unminified 6kb) jQuery plugin to send REST-ful requests from any HTML element.

  • It wraps each targeted element in a <form> element with a POST method.
  • The form's action is set to the targeted element's href attribute, with an additional ?_method=DELETE (or other HTTP verb) appended to the URL.
  • Clicking the targeted element triggers the form to be submitted.
  • Optional "click to confirm" setting with warning message.


Method 1: Download JS files

Include after jQuery in your HTML:

Method 2: Use Bower

  • bower install restful-links
  • Copy the restful.js or restful.min.js files from bower_components/restful-links/dist to wherever you need.


For example:

        <a href="/myobject/1" data-method="delete">Delete</a>
        <a href="/myobject/1" data-method="patch" data-attr-enabled="false">Update</a>
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="restful.min.js"></script>
            // Initialize RestfulLinks with default options

This will manipulate the 2 example links into:

    <form id="delete-1448671144047" method="POST" action="/myobject/1?_method=DELETE">
        <a href="/myobject/1" data-method="delete">Delete</a>


    <form id="patch-1448671144147" method="POST" action="f/myobject/1?_method=PATCH">
        <input type="hidden" name="enabled" value="false">
        <a href="/myobject/1" data-method="patch" data-attr-enabled="false">Update</a>

Note: The PUT and PATCH functionality is intended for simple updates only (eg toggling an object's state perhaps) and not for fully editing an object. In that case you should setup a proper form and handle it normally.

Configuration Options

These are the default configuration options. You can initialize the plugin with any combination of these to override the defaults.

// after jQuery 
    selector: 'method',
    csrf: null,
    delete: {
        enabled: true,
        confirm: true,
        message: 'This will delete your record. Are you sure?'
    patch: {
        enabled: true,
        confirm: false,
        message: 'This will modify your record. Are you sure?',
        selector: 'attr'
    put: {
        enabled: true,
        confirm: false,
        message: 'This will replace your record. Are you sure?',
        selector: 'attr'
    debug: false
  • selector : The data attribute to determine the HTTP verb. Default will look for elements with attributes data-method="delete" and attach the DELETE functionality.
  • csrf : If your server-side code checks CSRF tokens (and it should), initialize with the csrf option. It will append <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="my-csrf-token" /> to the modified forms.
  • delete, put, patch : Config options for each of these verbs.
    • enabled : Attach RestFulLinks with these HTTP verbs.
    • confirm : Show a confirmation alert before submitting the request.
    • message : The message to show in the confirmation alert.
    • selector : Additional parameters to POST. eg the default selector attr means that an element <a href = "/myobject/1" data-method="patch" data-attr-enabled="false">Toggle</a> will send a PATCH request to /myobject/1 with {enabled: false}.
  • debug : Use console.log() to output messages to your console.


Your server is not receiving DELETE, PUT, PATCH requests

  • RestfulLinks wraps each link in a form which only uses POST as its method. It attaches a _method parameter to the action URL to simulate other non-standard HTTP requests (eg DELETE).
  • This is intentional, to comply with the current HTML5 spec at the time of writing. [background]
  • To fix this: Depending on your server-side config, your framework may need to be configured to read the _method parameter. For example, Express can use method-override.

Your server responds with CSRF token mismatch

  • initialize with the csrf config option, eg $('body').restfullinks({'csrf': "my-csrf-token"})
  • Check your server-side framework for how to generate the csrf token for the initialization.

Use debug mode

  • If you need to debug, just pass in the debug parameter when initializing. This will log messages to your console.
$(document).restfullinks({debug: true})


  • npm install
  • Make changes, gulp minify
  • TODO:
    • Add tests....
    • Non-jQuery version


Free to use for private or commercial purposes under the GNU GPL license v3.

By Michael Cho