- 2
SPX singles examples generates empty output
#61 opened by monological - 1
sample data link broken
#62 opened by cantonalex - 0
#60 opened by SAMPLE-42 - 1
Planned work as mentioned in the README
#59 opened by jjphung - 3
Load from a dataframe ends in AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'remove_unused_levels'
#56 opened by pchaganti - 1
Additional entry/exit conditions
#57 opened by bayareacoder - 6
Still active?
#40 opened by cooldharma - 1
How to inject custom entry/exit dates?
#51 opened by vjtrost88 - 3
Improvement idea
#34 opened by erv4gen - 0
Include Stress testing?
#41 opened by ApurvShah007 - 0
- 0
- 1
TypeError: long_call_spread() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'end' and 'filters'
#24 opened by Friedrichz - 2
- 1
- 2
- 5
Parameters selection
#26 opened by erv4gen - 0
Implement Iron Condor Strategy
#20 opened by michaelchu - 0
Wrong Bid/Ask prices used to calculate entry/exit prices when using "market" mode
#17 opened by michaelchu - 5
unable to import optopsy
#16 opened by kaushik1105 - 0
Short put spreads have wrong ratios assigned
#14 opened by michaelchu