
SBT plugin for using mustache.java in scala projects

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

#SBT {{mustache}}

Build Status Bintray Release

An SBT plugin for integrating Mustache templates into Scala projects.

We take the same philosophy as the Play Frameworks Twirl plugin, generating Scala sources that are preconfigured to access your templates during compile.

This plugin was inspired by @julienba's play2-mustache plugin, which we used on the Register to vote exemplar project. Sadly since Play migrated to SBT-Web, in it's recent play-2.3, the play2-mustache plugin has been deprecated.


To your projects plugins.sbt add the following:

resolvers += Resolver.url(

resolvers += "bintray-maven-michaelallen" at "https://dl.bintray.com/michaelallen/maven/"

addSbtPlugin("io.michaelallen.mustache" %% "sbt-mustache" % "0.2")

Done. SBT 0.13 added AutoPlugins which allows plugins to handle their default configuration themselves.


There's two ways to use this plugin, which I'll call The Hogan way and The Twirl way. Whichever you choose is up to you.

####Source Directories

In most Scala apps Mustache templates are stored in src/main/mustache. In Play apps you should put your templates in app/mustache.

If you would like to add further directories to look for Mustache templates you can edit the key sourceDirectories in mustacheTemplate.

Adding a new source directory for Mustache templates:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings(
  sourceDirectories in mustacheTemplate :+ baseDirectory / "mySpecialMustaches"

####The Hogan way

In Hogan.js you call off to a Mustache compiler to compile your template then render that template with a set of data. This can be done in Sbt-Mustache.

On compile Sbt-Mustache will generate a few source files. One of them is the io.michaelallen.mustache.MustacheFactory object, which is configured to look for the Mustache templates in your source directories.

You can simply call MustacheFactory.compile to ask the factory to compile you a template, like you would in Hogan.js

With a template sitting in src/main/mustache/foo/bar.mustache:


We can ask the MustacheFactory to compile it:

val template = MustacheFactory.compile("foo/bar.mustache")

Then execute the template to render it's html:

val writer = new StringWriter()
template.execute(writer, Map("message" -> "Hello World!"))

writer.flush().toString == "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"

####The Twirl way

Twirl models your templates as Scala files, by generating Scala objects that understand how to render the html of the template.

This is a nice feature and something I wanted to bring to Sbt-Mustache.

If you have a template at src/main/mustache/foo/bar.mustache:


Then Sbt-Mustache will generate a Scala trait at mustache.foo.bar which understands how to render the bar.mustache template.

We can then mix that trait into a class or case class to provide the backing object to render based off:

case class Bar(message:String) extends mustache.foo.bar

Then newing that class up and calling render will generate our html:

Bar(message = "Hello World!").render == "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"

####Play Support

The plugin provides native support for Play Frameworks custom content types. We do this by generating a trait into source_managed that provides the implicit Writeable and ContentType that play Results need to render arbitrary types as HTML. We then piggy back off your version of the Play Framework jars to compile those sources.

To turn on Play support set MustacheKeys.playSupport in your build.sbt:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  .settings(MustacheKeys.playSupport := true)

Assuming you have a Presenter in views.Foo:

package views

case class Foo() extends mustache.foo

Then mix in the PlayImplicits trait in your controller:

import io.michaelallen.mustache.PlayImplicits

object MyController extends Controller with PlayImplicits {
  def index = Ok(views.Foo())

##Work in progress

This plugin is a work in progress. Currently you can checkout the code, build it , publish it locally and make use of it to do basic Mustache compilation and rendering.