VBA Wall Street Challege

Create a script that loops through stock market data from three consecutive years:

  • 2018, 2019 & 2020.

Table of Contents:

  • Assignment Intructions
  • Technology Used
  • Screenshots
  • Link to Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet
  • Purpose for Assignment

Assignment Insutructions:

The script must loop through all the stocks for each year and incude the following:

  • The Ticker Symbol
  • Yearly change from opening price at the beginning of as given year, to the closing price of that same year
  • The percent change % from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price of that year, and
  • The total stock volume of the stock

Technology Used:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

Screenshots of each year's data

2018 Screenshot 2019 Screenshot 2020 Screenshot

Link to Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet

Google Drive link to the Excel worksheet can be attached below https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GWISj0qyKypEVfOTtffkS8Pd6T1FT5DQ

Purpose of the Assignment

To determine the:

  • Yearly change
  • Percent change, and
  • Total stock volume between a list of tickers on a given year.

And additonally identify which specific ticker, of the roughly 3,000 in all three years experienced:

  • The Greatest Percentage Increase %,
  • Greatest Percentage Dcrease %, and
  • The Greatest Total Volume by years end