Udacity - Machine Learning Nano Degree, Materials and Projects

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Udacity - Machine Learning Nano Degree



Section Project Topics Status
Exploratory Project Titanic Survival Exploration intro to numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython Done
Model Evaluation and Validation Predicting Boston Housing Prices data reprocessing, learning algorithms training and evaluation, grid search Done
Supervised Learning Build a Student Intervention System comparison of supervised classification learning algorithms, parameters optimization using grid search Done
Supervised Learning Finding Donors for CharityML practice and evaluate supervised learning algorithms using sklearn Done
Unsupervised Learning Creating Customer Segments data preprocessing, features PCA, data clustering, interpret clusters Done
Reinforcement Learning Train a Smartcab to Drive reenforcement learning with Q Learning algorithms Done
Deep Learning Build a Digit Recognition Program digit recognition with Deep Neural Network and TensorFlow Done
Deep Learning Build a Image Classification Program image classification on CIFAR10 with Deep Neural Network and TensorFlow Done
Machine Learning Specializations Capstone Project KDD Cup 2010 - Educational Data Mining Challenge Done


  • Original projects description, data, codes and reviews by Udacity should follow its licenses and Honor Codes
  • Solutions, notes, codes by author follow MIT license