
a proposal to add a method to iterators to produce an iterator of only its unique values

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Iterator Unique

A TC39 proposal to produce an iterator of unique values from any iterator.

Stage: 0

See the January 2024 presentation to committee.


Removing duplicates from any kind of collection is a common operation. It's not very easy to do for iterators.

For some iterables, you can do something like the following:

let uniques = new Set(iter).values();

This has a few downsides, though:

  1. Consumes the whole iterator before producing any results.
  2. Doesn't work for infinite iterators.
  3. Yields 0 when the underlying iterator yields -0.
  4. Can't yield both 0 and -0.
  5. Doesn't work for non-iterable iterators.

A better solution is much harder to write and doesn't work well with chaining, as it requires a bunch of side variables for state.

let objSeen = new WeakSet,
  primSeen = new Set,
  seenNegZero = false;

let uniques = iter.filter(e => {
  if (e === 0 && 1/e < 0) {
    if (seenNegZero) return false;
    seenNegZero = true;
    return true;
  let seen = Object(e) === e ? objSeen : primSeen;
  if (seen.has(e)) return false;
  return true;

Worse, when you want to unique by some applied transform, you need to surround the filter with tupling and untupling maps.

let uniques = iter
  .map(e => [e, f(e)])
  .filter([, criteria] => { ... })
  .map(([e]) => e);

chosen solution

Iterator.prototype.uniqBy which takes an optional mapper.

let uniques = iter.uniqBy();
let uniques = iter.uniqBy(obj => obj.field);

design space

  • still no good solution for compound keys, but that's an unsolved problem generally
  • mapper? comparator? both? neither?
    • separate methods or combined with optional params?
    • would mapper be passed an index?
  • naming: distinct is also common

prior art

other languages

language library simple API with comparator with mapping
Clojure core distinct -- --
Elm List.Extra unique -- uniqueBy
Haskell Data.List nub nubBy --
Java Stream distinct -- --
Kotlin Sequence distinct -- distinctBy
.NET System.Linq Distinct Distinct, DistinctBy DistinctBy
PHP array array_unique -- --
Python more-itertools unique_everseen -- unique_everseen
Ruby Enumerable uniq -- uniq
Rust Iterator -- -- --
Scala Seq distinct -- distinctBy
Shell GNU coreutils uniq -- --
Swift Sequence -- -- --

JS libraries

library simple API with comparator with mapping
extra-iterable unique unique unique
iter-ops distinct -- distinct
iter-tools distinct -- distinct
itertools-ts distinct -- distinct
Lodash / Underscore uniq uniqWith uniqBy
Ramda uniq uniqWith uniqBy
wu unique -- --