
A JavaScript module that takes the text content of an HTML element and draws it on canvas elements in a style that looks like messy handwriting.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chicken Scratch

A JavaScript module that takes the text content of an HTML element and renders it on canvas elements in a style that looks like messy handwriting. It's useful for adding some funk to titles, headings, slogans, and the like.

Image of default Chicken Scratch style

Getting Started


npm install chicken-scratch


Import the module:

import chickenScratch from 'chicken-scratch';


var chickenScratch = require('chicken-scratch').default;

Apply the default class to an html element:

<div class="chicken-scratch">Some awesome text</div>

Trigger application of the style in JS:


Or register a custom style and apply that.


<div class="my-awesome-style">More awesome text</div>


chickenScratch.registerStyle('my-awesome-style', { size: 24, color: '#396' });

Styles can also be added and removed programmatically:


let myElement = document.querySelector('#my-element');

Or remove:

let myElement = document.querySelector('#my-element');

If you add a style to and element which already has a Chicken Scratch style applied, the old style will be replaced by the new one. If you attempt to remove a style from an element which actually has no Chicken Scratch style applied, nothing will happen.

Writing custom styles

Chicken Scratch applies a randomly generated translation and rotation to each stroke of each character of each word in an element's text content. You specify the maximum rotation (in degrees) and the maximum translation (as a ratio of the size of a single character). The color, width, size, letter spacing, line height, and shadows applied to the text also depend on the style properties you choose. Pass your desired style props to chickenScratch.registerStyle() as a JS object:

`ChickenScratch.registerStyle('style-name',{styleProp1: value, styleProp2: value, ...});

Below are the various style properties you can define in your custom style and their default values:

prop accepted values default
size a number >= 1 32
color any valid css color 'black'
strokeWidth a number >= 2 5
maxRotation a number >= 0 12
maxTranslation a number >= 0 .08
lineHeight a number >= 0 1.3
letterSpacing a number >= -1 0.1
lineCap 'butt', 'round', 'square' 'square'
shadowVisibility true or false false
shadowColor any valid css color '#555'
shadowOffsetX any number 4
shadowOffsetY any number 2
shadowBlur any number >= 0 6

You need not include every style property in a custom style. Any of the above properties not included in your style definition will simply fall back to the default value. For example, if you wanted to use the default style but in blue instead of black, the following style definition would be sufficient:

chickenScratch.registerStyle('blue-style',{color: 'blue'});


maxRotation should be given in degrees and represents the maximum rotation that any stroke in a character will receive. For maxRotation: 12 (the default value), no stroke in a character will be rotated more than 12 degrees (clockwise or counter-clockwise)

maxTranslation is relative to character size. For a style with size: 50, maxTranslation: .2, no stroke will be translated more than 10 units in any direction (50 * .2 = 10);

lineHeight behaves more or less like the css property of the same name. If a style has lineHeight: 1, the bottom of one line will nearly touch the top of the subsequent line.

letterSpacing also represents a fraction of the character size. If letterSpacing: 0, characters in a word will nearly touch. A sufficiently large negative value will cause them to overlap.


Thanks for your interest. Comments and criticism are welcomed.