FWX data file format (v0.5) - 2019-08-20 Differences from v0.4 - 2003-09-30 - Minor version bump from 4 to 5 - Addition of Solar radiation field FWX's data file is a coma separated list of values read from the weather station. The fields are: Major version nubmer - integer Currently 0 Minor version number - integer Currently 5 Time stamp in seconds past the epoch - integer The epoch is midnight (UTC) of the 1st of January of 1970. This value can be converted to a readable format with the -r option to date, eg: $ date -r 1064905402 Tue Sep 30 00:03:22 PDT 2003 $ Barometric pressure measured (in inches of mercury) - float3 Instantaneous wind speed (in miles/hour) - integer Wind direction (in degrees (0 - 360)) - integer Average wind speed (over the last 10 minutes) - integer Indoor temperature (wherever the station is located, in degrees F) - float1 Outdoor temperature (in degrees F) - float1 Dewpoint (outdoors, in degrees F) - float1 Indoor relative humidity (in %) - integer Outdoor relative humidity (in %) - integer Instantaneous rain rate (in/hour) - float2 Cumulative rain for this day (in) - float2 Cumulative rain for this month (in) - float2 Cumulative rain for this year (in) - float2 Solar radiation (w/m3) - integer float1 means a floating point value with one significant digit to the right of the decimal point float2 means a floating point value with two significant digits to the right of the decimal point float3 means a floating point value with three significant digits to the right of the decimal point Note that dewpoint is a calculated value based on temperature and relative humidity. See the routine wxcalcdewpoint() in fwx.c. These are trivial to read with a shell script, sh, ksh, & bash can use something like: while IFS="," read vermaj vermin time barom windspeed winddir avgwind tempin tempout dewpoint humin humout rainrate rainday rainmonth rainyear solar junk; do # some processing here done < <logfile>
Weather logger works with Davis Instruments Vantage Pro and Vantage Pro 2