Custom configuration files.
- Clone this repo to ~/.dotfiles
- The following files (or whatever subset you like) should be symlinked from your home directory (taken from the output of
ls -lah | grep .dot
in my home directory)
.bash@ -> .dotfiles/bash
.bash_profile@ -> .dotfiles/bash/bash_profile
.gitignore@ -> .dotfiles/gitignore
.gvimrc@ -> .dotfiles/.gvimrc
.vim@ -> .dotfiles/.vim
.vimrc@ -> .dotfiles/.vimrc
You can create these symlinks like, for example, ln -s .dotfiles/.vimrc .vimrc
(TODO: create a bash script to set up each of these with prompt, backing up your current one)
TODO: get my correct .bashrc into .bash/bashrc TODO: make .localrc work correctly (needs to be sourced by .bashrc not .profile)