Lambda calculus parser/unparser and reducer.
iex()> import Lambda
iex()> expr = "(λx.Ly.x (y z)) w" # "L" can be used in place of "λ" for ease of typing
iex()> expr |> tokenize
["(", "λ", "x", ".", "λ", "y", ".", "x", " ", "(", "y", " ", "z", ")", ")", " ", "w"]
iex()> expr |> tokenize |> to_ast
{:A, {:L, "x", {:L, "y", {:A, "x", {:A, "y", "z"}}}}, "w"}
iex()> expr |> tokenize |> to_ast == expr |> parse
iex()> expr |> parse |> as_string
"(λx.λy.x (y z)) w"
iex()> expr |> parse |> reduce_once
{:L, "y", {:A, "w", {:A, "y", "z"}}}
iex()> expr |> parse |> reduce_once |> as_string
"λy.w (y z)"
iex()> "((λx.λy.x (y z)) a) b" |> parse |> reduce |> as_string
"a (b z)"
iex()> y_combinator = "λg.(λx.g (x x)) (Lx.g (x x))"
iex()> y_combinator |> parse |> reduce_once |> as_string
"λg.g ((λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x)))"
iex()> y_combinator |> parse |> reduce(2) |> as_string
"λg.g (g ((λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))))"
iex()> y_combinator |> parse |> reduce(4) |> as_string
"λg.g (g (g (g ((λx.g (x x)) (λx.g (x x))))))"
iex()> "(λx.x x) (λx.x x)" |> parse |> reduce(100) |> as_string
"(λx.x x) (λx.x x)"