
The /r/SpaceX CSS & Design

Primary LanguageCSS

r/SpaceX Subreddit CSS & Design

This repository holds all the necessary assets, styles, and buildsteps necessary to generate a working, paste-able copy of the r/SpaceX CSS directly into the subreddit stylesheet. Edit the styles you wish, and then run the gulp styles and reddify tasks to generate a build. The output will appear as subreddit.css in the /build directory.


If you find a bug with the subreddit design at reddit.com/r/spacex, feel free to either message the moderators there or log an issue here on the repository.


This repository uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.

Contained within this repository is a number of assets & graphics which are Copyright Space Exploration Technologies Corporation ("SpaceX"), and are not covered by the above license. Express permission has been given by SpaceX to use these resources for this repository only; they may not be used elsewhere without permission from SpaceX first. These assets include:

  • Any mission patches and related sprites present within the /assets directory.
  • "dragon.png"
  • "falcon.png"
  • "spacex.png"