Powerful and dependable blogging platform for you
Mango is an open-source, powerful blogging application designed to be semi-static, and uses Vue, Lodash, Marked - no external libraries required. With a built-in real-time markdown editor, a simple to use, clean and sleek interface that's beautifully response, with no external CSS libraries, this powerful blogging application is designed for powerful use, with minimal size.
As shown above, on mobile devices the interface looks and feels more native. It's sleek, clean, and uses darker colours that don't directly clash with others. The colour selection can be seen under "Branding"
We've got a set of long-term goals which are:
- Make a CLI tool to generate blogs, pages (instead of using git clone & edit)
- Add the ability to swap "papers" or "posts" for "documentation" section with a sleek and clean documentation interface
We fully welcome all contributions! The rule of thumb is simple, we ask you do full tests on the area you changed to ensure it doesn't break anything, and ensure your code is documented in our paper guide if it's a change of functionality, or something that may require additional information. Then create a pull request, we have a sample template you're welcome to use here (preferred method):
### Pull Request
**Description of changes (TL;DR):**
**Bugs Fixed (if applicable):**
**Breaking Features (if applicable):**
Nothing is perfect in this world, so we're happy to help and resolve any issues that may occur. Please follow this issue template:
### Issue / Bug Report
**Description of issue (TL;DR):**
**Bugs Located (if applicable):**
**Error Log (if applicable):**
**Additional Information (if applicable):**
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Once you've done all that, drop it in your website, and you're good to go!