
This is a demo of the Chroma Embeddings Database API. It uses the Chroma Embeddings NodeJS SDK and the OpenAI embeddings model.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chroma Embeddings Database Demo 🫐🍌🍎

This is a demo of the Chroma Embeddings Database API. It uses the Chroma Embeddings NodeJS SDK and the OpenAI embeddings model.


Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:michaelheckmann/chroma-embeddings-demo.git

Clone Chroma

git clone git@github.com:chroma-core/chroma.git

Install dependencies

npm install

Create a .env file and add your API keys

cp .env.example .env

Run Chroma

cd chroma
docker-compose up -d --build

Run the script

npm start