
Some demo mutations for the mutations gem that illustrate a bug

Primary LanguageRuby

Sample Mutations Illustrating a Bug

The casting to HashWithIndifferentAccess in mutations/hash_filter is causing issues with passing an OmniAuth::AuthHash to a command as a model.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Check out this repository
git clone https://github.com/michaelherold/test-mutations.git
  1. Run bundler install

  2. Run bundle exec rspec

Expected Result

All tests should pass.

Actual Result

Only the generic success test passes, but the others do not.


The OmniAuth::AuthHash that is passed to the specific command is cast to a HashWithIndifferentAccess as a byproduct of using that type of hash.

This hash should remain an OmniAuth::AuthHash to match the expected model type.