
features to add:

  1. can pull data from a specified date, maybe using command line arguments (eg. python3 fetcher_logger 05 17 2020)
  2. can pull data from a specified range of dates, maybe using command line arguments (eg. python3 fetcher_logger 05 12 2020 05 17 2020)
  3. can pull data from a multiple specified dates not necessarily in a range maybe using command line arguments (eg. python3 fetcher_logger 05 12 2020 05 14 2020 05 16 2020 ). the challenge becomes "how do I parse a range of dates vs multiple dates?". I think the answer is to use flags in the CLI.

data science

  1. use python to visualize your data
  2. use python to answer your questions about your behaviour
  3. make a bullet point list of key takeaways from your data analytics
  4. make a simple web dashboard that runs on a local webserver (eg. flask) to visualize data

Questions I want to Answer using Time Tracking Data:

  1. how much time do I spend working on the average work day?
  2. how much time do I spend working on the average weekend day?
  3. am I more productive on weekends than I am on weekdays?
  4. what time of day am I most productive assuming that I am equally productive at all times of day for all events logged?
  5. what time of day do I usually wake up?
  6. what time of day do I usually sleep?
  7. is there a causal relationship between the number of I sleep and the number of productive hours I work for the next day? by how much is my productivity affected?
  8. what time of day am I most productive? the least?
  9. which day of the week am I most productive? the least?
  10. which week of the month am I most productive? the least?
  11. which months in a year am I most productive? the least?