Website Portfolio

Project Description

Welcome to my website portfolio! This is where you can see the projects I have made and get a copy of my resume!

Technologies Used

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 3
  • jQueryUI

Features to Add

  • Fix buttons
  • Swap in real pictures
  • Organize project pictures in a flexbox instead of Bootstrap grid
  • Resize all project pictures to have a 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Fix hamburger menu
  • Add clickable links to each project picture
  • Refactor all JavaScript code to .js files only
  • Add "swing" smooth scrolling from navbar (see "scrolltop")
  • Add image filtering from buttons
  • Add image animations when appearing and disappearing
  • Add playable clips/gifs for each project when clicked on
  • Add project title for each project when hovered over
  • Make projects link to their github repository
  • Add resume button to "About Me" section
  • Add a work history section
  • Add a short gif of projects working after 0.5 seconds of hovering
  • Make pictures expand slightly when hovered over