
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Server Assembler/Installer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CS:GO Server Assembler/Installer

Build Status GitHub version

This python application has the goal to setup/install Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Servers inlcuding metamod, sourcemod and its plugins by only reading a text based configuration file. To install custom sourcemod plugins an additional data folder is required. (see sourcemod data)

This software will be designed for deploying multiple CS:GO Servers with SaltStack.


debuild -us -uc
dpkg -i ../adapo_1.0_amd64.deb


The following command will assemble/install all cs:go servers configured in "/etc/adapo/servers.d/".

adapo install


An example configuration file can be found in /usr/share/adapo/.

Sourcemod Data


There are two types of plugins:

  • simple
  • complex

For a simple plugin only the compiled .smx plugin binary is needed. simple.

Example directory structure:


Complex plugins need to be stored as a directory named like the plugin itself containing the whole tree from csgo root dir.

Example directory structure:


You can find an example data directory in /usr/share/adapo/. The data directory can be set in the global adapo configuration (/etc/adapo/main.cfg)