
A simple multi-backend notification server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Notipy Server

A simple multi-backend notification server

This notification server allows you to send messages over several backends using a simple REST-API.

Why not use Backend APIs directly?

This project provides an additonal abstraction layer. The idea is to have a generic notification server which has the same interface for multiple backends such as Telegram and Mail. This server can then be used by multiple applications to send notifications.

Getting Started

Setting up a Telegram bot

To use the Telegram backend a Telegram bot is required. Information on how to set up a bot can be found here.


To make things easier a Dockerfile is provided. The notification server can be built with the following command:

foo@host:~$ docker build . -t notipyserver

After building the .notipy.yml config file has to be set up:

echo "telegram_token: 'mytoken'" > .notipy.yml

Docker will copy this file into the home directory of the docker user. Finally you can run the server:

foo@host:~$ docker run -p 8080:5000 -d notipyserver

A Telegram user can now be registered by sending a /start command to the Telegram bot. After the registration users can be notified over the REST-API.

foo@host:~$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
	-d '{"backend": 1, "recipient": "myuser", "message": "Hello World"}' \
{"message": "", "data": null, "status": "success"}
foo@host:~$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/recipients?backend=1
{"message": "", "data": ["myuser"], "status": "success"}


The Notipy Server needs a configuration file where the api tokens are stored to communicate with multiple backends. This file is located in the home directory of the user who runs the server e.g.: /home/myuser/.notipy.yml. Currently Telegram is the only supported backend.

# Telegram API Token
telegram_token: 'mytoken'

Implemented Backends

Id Backend
1 Telegram Private
2 Telegram Group

Planned Backends

The following backends will be added in the future:

  • Mail
  • Slack