A prototype python script that collects statistics from a rippled server and forwards them onto a REST endpoint. This code is intended to fulfill the "Stats Collection" brief as detailed by the XRP Community Fund which can be found here.
In keeping with the XRP Community Fund brief the collection agent proposed here is a lightweight script with minimal dependencies. The script can be scheduled to run periodically with a scheduling mechanism such as cron or systemd. Stats collected by the script are consolidated into a single JSON payload and signed using the local rippled validator key. The resulting signature and payload are then forwarded to a REST service endpoint which is intended to be the "Stats Proxy & Validation" component as detailed by the XRP Community Fund.
- The "Stats Proxy & Validation" service as detailed by the XRP Community Fund shall exist as a simple REST service that expects a POST request with a JSON body containing the collected stats and a header field containing the associated signature.
- Signatures shall be generated using sign command of validator-keys tool.
At this stage the code detailed here is just a proof-of-concept designed to elicit feedback. However, it is the assertion of this author that the majority of required functionality is implemented by this early version with minimal effort remaining to complete. To be considered complete the following should be added:
Collection of OS stats not contained in rippled stats.Done!- Appropriate installation and usage documentation.
- Unit test coverage.
- Python
- Pip
Checkout the code and run the following command.
python setup.py install
In order to run the code you must be running a local rippled server or alternatively use the Dockerfile contained in the root of the repository along with the following commands to start one for test purpose.
docker build -t rippled .
docker run --name rippled rippled
The script currently assumes the former. If you choose the latter then you will need to toggle the following code in the top portion of the script:
# CMD_SIGN = "docker exec rippled /opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys sign %s"
# CMD_SERVER_INFO = "docker exec rippled rippled server_info"
# CMD_SERVER_STATE = "docker exec rippled rippled server_state"
CMD_SIGN = "/opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys sign %s"
CMD_SERVER_INFO = "rippled server_info"
CMD_SERVER_STATE = "rippled server_state"
Netcat can be used as a quick and dirty way to emulate the "Stats Proxy & Validation" service, as hypothesized in the assumption section detailed above.
nc -l 1234
The script assumes the proxy service is running on the local machine on port 1234 but can be overridden using the "--proxy=" option passed to the collect.py script.
Running the script then follows:
collect.py --proxy=http://localhost:1234
If you have correctly followed the above instructions, you should see something that looks like the following:
Host: localhost:1234
User-Agent: python-requests/2.21.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Digest: ECDSA=D5EF8F75D0559EA073D837B04979D168F9891A381702B2F85BB21E56DE54CD344A37C9018A0535FB3A90C42B2966695CA2872C1B4C7B5942D223C415BE3BE406
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 5122
{"system": {"cpu": {"count": {"physical": 4, "logical": 2}, "freq": {"current": 2000, "min": 2000, "max": 2000}}, "mem": {"virt": {"total": 8589934592, "available": 2839642112, "used": 4950171648, "free": 15224832}, "swap": {"total": 2147483648, "used": 1232601088, "free": 914882560}}, "platform": "Darwin-18.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit"}, "server_info": {"build_version": "1.3.1", "closed_ledger": {"age": 13, "base_fee_xrp": 1e-05, "hash": "696D513F8F3877FAC0861FED08587DE5A6E8EF22DA8346DDC74E8658380D44B6", "reserve_base_xrp": 200, "reserve_inc_xrp": 50, "seq": 437}, "complete_ledgers": "empty", "fetch_pack": 18904, "hostid": "cd2e6cc77ab3", "io_latency_ms": 1, "jq_trans_overflow": "0", "last_close": {"converge_time_s": 7.078, "proposers": 31}, "load": {"job_types": [{"avg_time": 2, "job_type": "untrustedProposal", "peak_time": 146, "per_second": 9, "waiting": 249}, {"in_progress": 1, "job_type": "ledgerData", "waiting": 18}, {"in_progress": 1, "job_type": "clientCommand"}, {"avg_time": 226, "job_type": "transaction", "over_target": true, "peak_time": 1578, "per_second": 14}, {"job_type": "batch", "peak_time": 1, "per_second": 7}, {"avg_time": 64, "job_type": "advanceLedger", "peak_time": 955, "per_second": 18}, {"avg_time": 168, "in_progress": 1, "job_type": "fetchTxnData", "peak_time": 5388, "per_second": 4, "waiting": 31}, {"avg_time": 44, "job_type": "writeAhead", "peak_time": 174}, {"avg_time": 574, "job_type": "trustedValidation", "over_target": true, "peak_time": 2226, "per_second": 8}, {"avg_time": 1, "job_type": "writeObjects", "peak_time": 28, "per_second": 7}, {"avg_time": 364, "job_type": "trustedProposal", "over_target": true, "peak_time": 1493, "per_second": 17}, {"in_progress": 1, "job_type": "sweep"}, {"job_type": "peerCommand", "peak_time": 108, "per_second": 690}, {"job_type": "diskAccess", "peak_time": 13, "per_second": 5}, {"job_type": "processTransaction", "per_second": 7}, {"job_type": "SyncReadNode", "peak_time": 62, "per_second": 35}, {"job_type": "AsyncReadNode", "peak_time": 91, "per_second": 721}, {"job_type": "WriteNode", "peak_time": 48, "per_second": 2}], "threads": 4}, "load_factor": 1, "peer_disconnects": "34", "peer_disconnects_resources": "0", "peers": 10, "pubkey_node": "n9KmRjsNNGtqMR18mJYJz4FbgFZ8K39vnSG5HAz166nYpfjtTCXh", "pubkey_validator": "none", "published_ledger": "none", "server_state": "connected", "server_state_duration_us": "486894676", "state_accounting": {"connected": {"duration_us": "2193214893", "transitions": 3}, "disconnected": {"duration_us": "56841752", "transitions": 3}, "full": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}, "syncing": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}, "tracking": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}}, "time": "2019-Aug-02 14:47:53.142138", "uptime": 2250, "validation_quorum": 25, "validator_list": {"count": 1, "expiration": "2019-Aug-14 00:00:00.000000000", "status": "active"}}, "server_state": {"build_version": "1.3.1", "closed_ledger": {"base_fee": 10, "close_time": 618072460, "hash": "696D513F8F3877FAC0861FED08587DE5A6E8EF22DA8346DDC74E8658380D44B6", "reserve_base": 200000000, "reserve_inc": 50000000, "seq": 437}, "complete_ledgers": "empty", "fetch_pack": 18904, "io_latency_ms": 1, "jq_trans_overflow": "0", "last_close": {"converge_time": 7078, "proposers": 31}, "load": {"job_types": [{"avg_time": 2, "job_type": "untrustedProposal", "peak_time": 156, "per_second": 2, "waiting": 286}, {"in_progress": 2, "job_type": "ledgerData", "waiting": 20}, {"avg_time": 751, "in_progress": 1, "job_type": "clientCommand", "peak_time": 2396, "waiting": 2}, {"avg_time": 120, "job_type": "transaction", "peak_time": 368, "per_second": 46}, {"job_type": "batch", "peak_time": 32, "per_second": 23}, {"avg_time": 274, "job_type": "advanceLedger", "peak_time": 1209, "per_second": 20}, {"avg_time": 286, "job_type": "fetchTxnData", "peak_time": 1033, "per_second": 42}, {"avg_time": 404, "job_type": "trustedValidation", "peak_time": 1271, "per_second": 7}, {"avg_time": 3, "job_type": "writeObjects", "peak_time": 54, "per_second": 8}, {"avg_time": 205, "job_type": "trustedProposal", "over_target": true, "peak_time": 853, "per_second": 12}, {"in_progress": 1, "job_type": "sweep"}, {"job_type": "peerCommand", "peak_time": 72, "per_second": 627}, {"avg_time": 2, "job_type": "diskAccess", "peak_time": 40, "per_second": 6}, {"job_type": "processTransaction", "peak_time": 5, "per_second": 23}, {"job_type": "SyncReadNode", "peak_time": 28, "per_second": 31}, {"job_type": "AsyncReadNode", "peak_time": 629, "per_second": 709}, {"job_type": "WriteNode", "peak_time": 2, "per_second": 12}], "threads": 4}, "load_base": 256, "load_factor": 625, "load_factor_fee_escalation": 256, "load_factor_fee_queue": 256, "load_factor_fee_reference": 256, "load_factor_server": 625, "peer_disconnects": "34", "peer_disconnects_resources": "0", "peers": 10, "pubkey_node": "n9KmRjsNNGtqMR18mJYJz4FbgFZ8K39vnSG5HAz166nYpfjtTCXh", "pubkey_validator": "none", "published_ledger": "none", "server_state": "connected", "server_state_duration_us": "491650939", "state_accounting": {"connected": {"duration_us": "2197971156", "transitions": 3}, "disconnected": {"duration_us": "56841752", "transitions": 3}, "full": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}, "syncing": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}, "tracking": {"duration_us": "0", "transitions": 0}}, "time": "2019-Aug-02 14:47:57.897337", "uptime": 2255, "validation_quorum": 25, "validator_list_expires": 619056000}}
Note that the body signature is specified by the 'Digest' header and follows the format ECDSA=SIGNATURE. The actual payload is first converted to base64 before being passed to the validator-keys tool for signing. The receiving proxy must take this into account when verifiying the signature.