http-get-cache is a Common Lisp library based on the Drakma HTTP client for caching HTTP GET responses.
http-get-cache depends on Drakma and Bordeaux Threads.
http-get-cache is being developed with SBCL, CCL, and LispWorks on OS X. http-get-cache is being deployed with SBCL on FreeBSD/AMD64 and Linux/AMD64.
(ql:quickload "http-get-cache")
(defvar *cache* (http-get-cache:make-cache 60))
(http-get-cache:http-get "" *cache*)
:HEADERS ((:SERVER . "nginx/1.9.0")
(:DATE . "Thu, 16 Mar 2017 04:56:47 GMT")
(:CONTENT-TYPE . "text/html") (:CONTENT-LENGTH . "128383")
(:LAST-MODIFIED . "Thu, 16 Mar 2017 04:15:56 GMT")
(:CONNECTION . "close") (:ETAG . "\"58ca117c-1f57f\"")
(:ACCEPT-RANGES . "bytes"))
:BODY "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<title>Planet Lisp</title>
:TIMESTAMP 3698629006)
http-get-cache is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.