
An Ecto seeding library

Primary LanguageElixir


Botanist is a seeding library which uses Ecto. Its intended purpose is for seeding a database in a safe and atomic manner.


Add botanist to your mix.exs file:

  defp deps do
      {:ecto, "~> 2.2.10"},
      {:postgrex, "~> 0.11"},
      {:botanist, "~> 0.1.0"}, # <--

Set up

Configure Botanist by passing in your repo via your config.exs:

config :botanist, 
  ecto_repo: MyApp.Repo

You can also configure the following fields:

seeds_path: "priv/repo/seeds" # Location of seed files, defaults to priv/repo/seeds


Botanist is very similar to Ecto in terms of usage. To generate a seed, run:

mix ecto.gen.seed my_seed

You'll find this seed in either the seeds_path field you listed in your config or in the priv/repo/seeds directory by default.

Tell the seed what to do (see the example) and run your seed with

mix ecto.seed

Voila! Your database has now been seeded.

Example seed file

import Botanist

alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.User

def planter do
  seed do
    Repo.insert(%User{email: "email@gmail.com", name: "John Smith"})