APS360 Group 3 Team Charter

This is the team charter for Group 3. As of June 3, 2022, all members have read and agreed to the current charter.

Michael Xu
Yugtesh Sahu
  • Preferred Name: Yug Sahu
  • Pronouns: He / Him
  • Contact Email: yug.sahu@mail.utoronto.ca
  • Github Email:
  • Phone Number: 647-510-8724
Olivia Yang
Ellen Shi

Decision Making Guidelines

  • All members should be involved when decisions are made.
  • Important decisions should be made during meetings.
  • All members should agree with the decision.

Conflict Resolution Process

  • In a disagreement, the team should talk through to come up with a solution that works for all members.
  • If work redistribution is needed, the team should hold a meeting to discuss and spread out the workload evenly.
  • If we cannot reach a consensus, we should take the following steps to reach a conclusion :
    • If all team members have different ideas, then we should discuss all ideas and find some common ground. We should discuss the pros and cons of each idea and try to focus in on the best idea.
  • For conflicts that do not have time to be discussed, the team will go with the idea of the majority. We hope that it will never come down to this process and will avoid this by all means.


  • All team communication is done through Discord.
  • Communication with TA is over email.


  • Be respectful to other team members.
    • Listen to each other and do not interrupt when team members are speaking.
    • Trust each other with their tasks and if you find a better solution, discuss it with the team member in charge of the task.
    • Don't do tasks that are assigned to other team members.
    • Be supportive of team members and offer criticism in a helpful manner.
  • Actively communicate with other team members to stay updated on team situations.
  • Treat other members equally regardless of ethnicity, religious background, or beliefs.
  • When emergency situations arise, be supportive to those involved and follow the contingency strategies listed below.


Internal Deadlines and Submittions
  • Any submissions should be in state that is ready to be submitted 4 days before deadline.
  • If technical issues do arise, discuss with the team. If still not solved, contact the TA.
  • If an internal deadline is missed, the team will discuss with the team member responsible and decide on one of the following:
    • More time will be allocated for the team member, if the time is deemed appropriate by the group.
    • More time will be allocated, and a new team member will assist with the completion of the deadline.
    • Another team member will take over the task.


  • The order of submitting documents is:
  1. Yug
  2. Michael
  3. Olivia
  4. Ellen
  • This order is based on time zones, Yug is in Toronto time, so he will submit first.
Emergency Situations
  • In the event of health or family emergency situations, we should contact the TA over email and if necessary meet with the TA.
  • If a team member does not contact back within 6 hours, they will be deemed as busy.
  • If we are within 96 hours of the deadline and the a team member is busy. The team will take immediate action to redistribute the workload of the team member in order to attempt to submit on time.
  • If a team member does not contact back within 2 days, they will be deemed as missing.
  • Team members will be contacted by text or cell phone call if they are missing or if they miss a meeting.
  • If a team member does not contact back within a week, they will be deemed as gone. The team will consider the responsibilities of this team members as their own, and the workload will be split between the two remaining members.
Technical Issues
  • If the current build is functional, then we should only push commits if they are also functional.
    • If the current is non-functional, then we should only push commits if they fix a particular issue.
  • If editing on multiple files at once, team members should push only after the edits make reasonable sense and the code is compiling.
  • If a new commit breaks existing code, we should try to fix the code. If it is 48 hours of submission, we should branch and keep the master branch functional.

Meeting Times

The team plans to meet around 2 times a week, with an additional third meeting possible depending out current progress / status.

Current Meeting Times (EST):
  • Monday 8:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Wednesday 8:00pm - 9:00pm