How to use statistics just provide confidence in an estimate of a large lot value.
This repository contains a Python script to estimate the value of a stamp collection using statistical analysis and a logistic distribution. The script performs the following tasks:
- Calculates descriptive statistics for a sample of pages from the stamp collection.
- Determines the confidence level for the sample.
- Uses a logistic function to model the distribution of stamp values.
- Estimates the total number of stamps and the total value of the collection based on the sample data and the logistic distribution.
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd stamp-price-probability-model
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib
Run the script to perform the analysis and estimate the value of the stamp collection:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function to generate logistic distribution
def logistic_function(x, L=1, x0=0.25, k=10):
return L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0)))
# Generate logistic distribution values
x_values = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
y_values = logistic_function(x_values, L=1, x0=0.15, k=10)
# Normalize to make it a probability distribution
y_values = y_values / np.sum(y_values)
# Plot the distribution
plt.plot(x_values, y_values)
plt.title('Adjusted Logistic Distribution of Stamp Values')
plt.xlabel('Value ($)')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density')
# Simulate stamp values based on logistic distribution
n_stamps = 10000
stamp_values = np.random.choice(x_values, size=n_stamps, p=y_values)
# Calculate expected value per stamp
expected_value_per_stamp = np.mean(stamp_values)
# Sample data
sample_data = np.array([16,18,20,4,26,7,23,5,0,6,2,14,53,4,12,32,15,11,0,0,0,0,7,7,0,2,2,31])
# Descriptive statistics
mean_sample = np.mean(sample_data)
std_sample = np.std(sample_data, ddof=1) # using ddof=1 for sample standard deviation
# Parameters for confidence interval calculation
N = 192 # total number of pages
n = len(sample_data) # sample size
margin_of_error = 5 # desired margin of error
# Calculate Z-score for current sample size and margin of error
finite_population_correction = np.sqrt((N - n) / (N - 1))
standard_error = std_sample / np.sqrt(n) * finite_population_correction
Z = margin_of_error / standard_error
# Calculate confidence level from Z-score
confidence_level = norm.cdf(Z) * 2 - 1 # two-tailed test
# Estimating total number of stamps
estimated_total_stamps = mean_sample * N
# Estimating total value of the collection
estimated_total_value = estimated_total_stamps * expected_value_per_stamp
# Output the results
print(f"Sample Mean: {mean_sample}")
print(f"Sample Standard Deviation: {std_sample}")
print(f"Sample Size: {n}")
print(f"Confidence Level: {confidence_level * 100:.2f}%")
print(f"Mean number of stamps per sampled page: {mean_sample}")
print(f"Estimated total number of stamps: {estimated_total_stamps}")
print(f"Expected value per stamp: {expected_value_per_stamp}")
print(f"Estimated total value of the collection: {estimated_total_value}")