
manage households, their members, and their balance

Primary LanguageRuby


The EcoVillage food-coop uses this to track our households, including their balance, members, and all their transactions.


The easiest way to get started working on this project, is to run it within a virtual machine. To do that, you first need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant.

The virtual machine we're using uses the vagrant-vbguest plugin.

localhost> vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
localhost> vagrant up

This will take a long time, as the virtual machine image downloads and configures itself.

Once it's done, connect to the machine and install ruby and any required gems.

localhost> vagrant ssh
vagrant> cd /vagrant
vagrant> rbenv install
vagrant> bundle install

Set up the database

vagrant> bundle exec rake db:setup

At this point the app should be ready to go. You can double check by running the test suite

vagrant> bundle exec rake

Start the server and happy hacking!

vagrant> bundle exec rails server

localhost> firefox http://localhost:4000


It can be helpful to have a snapshot of the production data to develop against. To replace your local database with a copy of production run this:

vagrant> script/db_pull

Note you will need to be given the appropriate permissions on heroku in order for this to work.