
Chef Cookbook to Manage ElasticSearch Cluster

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

elasticsearch-cluster Cookbook

Build Status

This is a Chef cookbook to manage ElasticSearch Cluster.

More features and attributes will be added over time, feel free to contribute what you find missing!

For Production environment, always refer to Chef Supermarket.



Supported OS

This cookbook was tested on Amazon (2015-03) & Ubuntu (14.04) Linux and expected to work on similar platform family OS.

Supported ElasticSearch Version

This cookbook was tested for ElasticSearch v1.6.0+.

Supported ElasticSearch Deployment

This cookbook supports both Package and Tarball based installation.

Cookbook Dependencies

  • java cookbook
  • yum cookbook
  • apt cookbook


  • add more locations to nginx vhost
  • add specs


  • elasticsearch-cluster::default - default recipe (use it for run_list)

  • elasticsearch-cluster::install - install elasticsearch via package or tarball

  • elasticsearch-cluster::java - install java using java cookbook

  • elasticsearch-cluster::package - install elasticsearch using repository package

  • elasticsearch-cluster::tarball - install elasticsearch using tarball

  • elasticsearch-cluster::user - setup user/group for elasticsearch service

  • elasticsearch-cluster::config - configure elasticsearch

  • elasticsearch-cluster::plugins - install / remove plugins from node attribute

LWRP elasticsearch_plugin

LWRP elasticsearch_plugin manages elasticsearch plugins install / remove. It is a wrapper for plugin binary.

For plugins validation (exists or not), it uses node API call to verify wheter required plugin or plugin version is installed.

An environment host groups are evaluated at compile time, hence it conflicts with LWRP hostgroup resources. To avoid the conflict, LWRP envhostgroup resources are created in a separate object file for an environment.

Install Plugin

elasticsearch_plugin 'kopf' do
  install_name 'lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf'

Above LWRP resource will install plugin kopf.

Remove Plugin

elasticsearch_plugin 'kopf' do
  action :remove

Above LWRP resource will remove plugin kopf.

LWRP Options

  • action (optional) - default :install, options: :install, :remove, :nothing
  • install_name (optional, String) - plugin name to install, e.g. to install kopf plugin, install_name would be lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf
  • url (optional, String) - plugin url
  • timeout (optional, String) - plugin install timeout
  • version (optional, String) - plugin install version

Manage Plugins using Node attribute

Using recipe plugins, plugins can be installed or removed by node attribute node['elasticsearch']['plugins']. Below is the role attributes to install and remove plugins.

  "default_attributes": {
    "elasticsearch": {
      "plugins": {
        "bigdesk": {
          "install_name": "lukas-vlcek/bigdesk"
        "kopf": {
          "install_name": "lukas-vlcek/bigdesk"
        "head": {
          "action": "remove"

Check out LWRP elasticsearch_plugin or recipe plugins for more info on attributes.

Cookbook Advanced Attributes

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['cluster.name'] (default: nil): elasticsearch cluster name, required to setup elasticsearch cluster

  • default['elasticsearch']['install_method'] (default: package): elasticsearch install method, options: package tarball

  • default['elasticsearch']['install_java'] (default: true): whether to install java using cookbook java

  • default['elasticsearch']['service_action'] (default: [:enable, :start]): elasticsearch service resource action

  • default['elasticsearch']['notify_restart'] (default: false): whether to notify elasticsearch service on any config change

  • default['elasticsearch']['setup_user'] (default: true): whether to setup elasticsearch service user when installing via tarball

  • default['elasticsearch']['cookbook'] (default: elasticsearch-cluster): cookbook to use for elasticsearch configuration file/template source

  • default['elasticsearch']['plugins'] (default: {}): node Hash attribute to install/remove elasticsearch plugins.

  • default['elasticsearch']['plugins']['kopf']['install_name'] (default: lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf): installs kopf plugin

  • default['elasticsearch']['plugins']['bigdesk']['install_name'] (default: lukas-vlcek/bigdesk): installs bigdesk plugin

  • default['elasticsearch']['auto_java_memory'] (default: false): whether to allocate maximum possible heap size

  • default['elasticsearch']['auto_system_memory'] (default: 768): minimum memory to keep for OS while allocating maximum possible memory to elasticsearch, used with node['elasticsearch']['auto_java_memory']

  • default['elasticsearch']['use_chef_search'] (default: false): whether to use Chef Search to find elasticsearch cluster nodes in an environment for a given chef elasticsearch role

  • default['elasticsearch']['search_role_name'] (default: elasticsearch_cluster): chef role associated with elasticsearch nodes which add this cookbook to elasticsearch nodes run list

  • default['elasticsearch']['search_cluster_name_attr'] (default: nil): node attribute to match elasticsearch cluster name, not necessary applicable to all

Cookbook Core Attributes

  • default['elasticsearch']['version'] (default: 1.7.0): elasticsearch version to install

  • default['elasticsearch']['version_suffix'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch package version suffix

  • default['elasticsearch']['user'] (default: elasticsearch): elasticsearch service user

  • default['elasticsearch']['group'] (default: elasticsearch): elasticsearch service group

  • default['elasticsearch']['conf_dir'] (default: /etc/elasticsearch): elasticsearch configuration directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['data_dir'] (default: /var/lib/elasticsearch): elasticsearch data directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['log_dir'] (default: /var/log/elasticsearch): elasticsearch log directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['work_dir'] (default: /tmp/elasticsearch): elasticsearch temporary files directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['plugins_dir'] (default: calcualted): elasticsearch plugins directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['conf_file'] (default: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml): elasticsearch configuration file

  • default['elasticsearch']['tarball_url'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch tarball source url

  • default['elasticsearch']['tarball_checksum'] (default: versions): elasticsearch tarball version source sha256sum

  • default['elasticsearch']['parent_dir'] (default: /usr/local/elasticsearch): elasticsearch directory for tarball based installation

  • default['elasticsearch']['install_dir'] (default: /usr/local/elasticsearch/elasticsearch): elasticsearch symlink to current version source directory (for tarball based installation)

  • default['elasticsearch']['source_dir'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch current version directory (for tarball based installation)

  • default['elasticsearch']['home_dir'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch home directory

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig_file'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch service config file location

  • default['elasticsearch']['umask'] (default: 0022): file/directory umask for execute resource (for tarball based installation)

  • default['elasticsearch']['mode'] (default: 0755): file/directory resource mode

Service Attributes

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['ES_HEAP_NEWSIZE'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['ES_DIRECT_SIZE'] (default: nil): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['ES_JAVA_OPTS'] (default: nil): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['MAX_OPEN_FILES'] (default: 65_535): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY'] (default: unlimited): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['MAX_MAP_COUNT'] (default: 262_144): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['ES_RESTART_ON_UPGRADE'] (default: true): elasticsearch service config file parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['sysconfig']['ES_HEAP_SIZE'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch service config file parameter

ElasticSearch Configuration File Attributes

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['cluster.name'] (default: nil): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['node.name'] (default: node.name): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['node.master'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['node.data'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['node.max_local_storage_nodes'] (default: 1): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['index.number_of_shards'] (default: 5): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['index.number_of_replicas'] (default: 1): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['path.conf'] (default: node['elasticsearch']['conf_dir']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['path.data'] (default: node['elasticsearch']['data_dir']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['path.work'] (default: node['elasticsearch']['work_dir']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['path.logs'] (default: node['elasticsearch']['log_dir']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['path.plugins'] (default: node['elasticsearch']['plugins_dir']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['bootstrap.mlockall'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['network.bind_host'] (default: node['ipaddress']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['network.publish_host'] (default: node['ipaddress']): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['transport.tcp.port'] (default: 9300): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['transport.tcp.compress'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['http.port'] (default: 9200): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes'] (default: 1): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['discovery.zen.ping.timeout'] (default: 3s): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled'] (default: false): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts'] (default: []): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['action.auto_create_index'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['action.disable_delete_all_indices'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

  • default['elasticsearch']['config']['script.disable_dynamic'] (default: true): elasticsearch configuration parameter

Elasticsearch YUM/APT Repository Attributes

  • default['elasticsearch']['repo_version'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch repository version

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['description'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['gpgcheck'] (default: true): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['enabled'] (default: true): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['baseurl'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['gpgkey'] (default: https://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['mirrorlist'] (default: nil): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['yum']['action'] (default: :create): elasticsearch yum reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['apt']['description'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch apt reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['apt']['components'] (default: ['stable', 'main']): elasticsearch apt reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['apt']['uri'] (default: calculated): elasticsearch apt reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['apt']['key'] (default: http://packages.elasticsearch.org/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch): elasticsearch apt reporitory attribute

  • default['elasticsearch']['apt']['action'] (default: :add): elasticsearch apt reporitory attribute


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests (rake & rake knife), ensuring they all pass
  6. Write new resource/attribute description to README.md
  7. Write description about changes to PR
  8. Submit a Pull Request using Github

Copyright & License

Authors:: Virender Khatri and Contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.