Technologies Used
A colorful three-dimensional cube that rotates to x-axis and the y-axis according to the movement of the cursor inside the window. It is created dynamically on page load, according to window dimensions. Click to switch colors and redraw.
A line is drawn from a point in the center of the canvas to a random point located inside an imaginary circle. Then a new line is drawn from the previous random point to a new random point, still located inside an imaginary circle. The process is repeaded indefinitely and, using trigonometry and magic, a circle starts to form.It is housed in a simple HTML page, with some essential CSS.
Click to reverse colors, double-click to enter fullscreen mode, double-click again (or press ESC) to leave fullscreen mode.
Originally, I created it using Processing, and then I ported it to the web using Processing's JavaScript sibling, p5.js.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Michael Kolesidis
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.