
A collection of Made with Linux stickers/badges for your projects

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

A currated collection of Made with Linux stickers/badges

Add one of these stickers/badges to your projects to show the world that you can do wonders using Linux!


In order to use any of the designs in its SVG form or in PNG forms of various sizes, please use the files as uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (especially when linking to the images). They can all be found under the Made in Linux category.


The Collection

Add yours here! ⬂


To add your own designs to the list, please fork the project and create a pull request including:

  • A folder inside the assets folder with your design(s) and (optionally) a readme file
    with information about the designs, such as color palette, fonts, inspiration etc. You can choose any name for your collection and your folder, as long as it is not conflicting with an existing name
  • A section in the main README.md with one or more of your design and a link to your folder. The section should a title, comprising of the title of your collection + by + your full name or your username or a nickname.

In case you would like to propose changes to the existing designs, please submit an issue.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0

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