- 1
meshtastic-python needs version bump
#41 opened by rbarden - 1
clang70 multiple errors; won't build
#36 opened by iamhumanipromise - 7
jabref does not build in clean chroot
#34 opened by michaellass - 9
JabRef build is broken with jdk 19 installed
#32 opened by lrittel - 1
Tweaks for adoptopenjdk packages
#13 opened by michaellass - 3
Should AdoptOpenJDK be renamed to Temurin?
#23 opened by Thammachart - 3
adoptopenjdk: allow to use openj9 JVM
#18 opened by milahu - 3
- 4
Keep version of jdk-adoptopenjdk-11
#12 opened by grzesuav - 2
Fritzing issues with wayland
#5 opened by ahbrosha - 1
Default yed 3.16 to jre8
#3 opened by paulomach - 6
kodi-addon-pvr-hts-git: fatal error: kodi/libKODI_guilib.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated
#1 opened by pejobo