
Pytorch implementation of HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout with 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is the implementation of our CVPR'19 " HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout with 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation" (project page).

News, June 15 - Critical bug fix for general layout (dataset.py, inference.py and misc/post_proc.py)

This repo is a pure python implementation that you can:

  • Inference on your images to get cuboid or general shaped room layout
  • 3D layout viewer
  • Correct pose for your panorama images
  • Pano Stretch Augmentation copy and paste to apply on your own task
  • Quantitative evaluatation (3D IoU, Corner Error, Pixel Error)
    • cuboid shape
    • general shape
  • Your own dataset preparation and training

Method Pipeline overview:


  • Python 3
  • pytorch>=1.0.0
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • Pillow
  • tqdm
  • tensorboardX
  • opencv-python>=3.1 (for pre-processing)
  • open3d>=0.7 (for layout 3D viewer)


  • Dataset for training/validation/testing
    • Put all of them under data directory so you should get:
      |  |--finetune_general/
      |  |--test/
      |  |--train/
      |  |--valid/
    • test, train, valid are processed from LayoutNet's cuboid dataset.
    • finetune_general is re-annotated by us from train and valid. It contains 65 general shaped rooms.
  • Cuboid room pretrained model
    • Trained on train/ 817 pano images
  • General room pretrained model
    • Trained on train/ 817 pano images first
    • Finetuned on finetune_general/ 66 images

Inference on your images

In below explaination, I will use assets/demo.png for example.

  • (modified from PanoContext dataset)

1. Pre-processing (Align camera rotation pose)

  • Execution: Pre-process the above assets/demo.png by firing below command.
    python preprocess.py --img_glob assets/demo.png --output_dir assets/preprocessed/
    • --img_glob telling the path to your 360 room image(s).
      • support shell-style wildcards with quote (e.g. "my_fasinated_img_dir/*png").
    • --output_dir telling the path to the directory for dumping the results.
    • See python preprocess.py -h for more detailed script usage help.
  • Outputs: Under the given --output_dir, you will get results like below and prefix with source image basename.
    • The aligned rgb images [SOURCE BASENAME]_aligned_rgb.png and line segments images [SOURCE BASENAME]_aligned_line.png
      • demo_aligned_rgb.png demo_aligned_line.png
    • The detected vanishing points [SOURCE BASENAME]_VP.txt (Here demo_VP.txt)
      -0.002278 -0.500449 0.865763
      0.000895 0.865764 0.500452
      0.999999 -0.001137 0.000178

2. Estimating layout with HorizonNet

  • Execution: Predict the layout from above aligned image and line segments by firing below command.
    python inference.py --flip --pth ckpt/finetune_general.pth --img_glob assets/preprocessed/demo_aligned_rgb.png --output_dir assets/inferenced --visualize --relax_cuboid
    • --flip optional testing augmentation.
    • --pth path to the trained model.
    • --img_glob path to the preprocessed image.
    • --output_dir path to the directory to dump results.
    • --visualize optinoal for visualizing model raw outputs.
    • --relax_cuboid
      • Model trained on cuboid only: do NOT add --relax_cuboid to force outputing cuboid
      • Model trained on general shaped: always add --relax_cuboid
  • Outputs: You will get results like below and prefix with source image basename.
    • The 1d representation are visualized under file name [SOURCE BASENAME].raw.png
    • The extracted corners of the layout [SOURCE BASENAME].json
      {"z0": 50.0, "z1": -53.993988037109375, "uv": [[0.0146484375, 0.3008330762386322], [0.0146484375, 0.7089354991912842], [0.007335239555686712, 0.38581281900405884], [0.007335239555686712, 0.6204522848129272], [0.0517578125, 0.3912762403488159], [0.0517578125, 0.6146637797355652], [0.4485706090927124, 0.3936861753463745], [0.4485706090927124, 0.6121071577072144], [0.5978592038154602, 0.4077087640762329], [0.5978592038154602, 0.597193717956543], [0.8074917793273926, 0.35766440629959106], [0.8074917793273926, 0.6501006484031677], [0.8803366422653198, 0.2525349259376526], [0.8803366422653198, 0.7577382922172546], [0.925480306148529, 0.3167843818664551], [0.925480306148529, 0.6925708055496216]]}

3. Layout 3D Viewer

  • Execution: Visualizing the predicted layout in 3D using points cloud.
    python layout_viewer.py --img assets/preprocessed/demo_aligned_rgb.png --layout assets/inferenced/demo_aligned_rgb.json --ignore_ceiling
    • --img path to preprocessed image
    • --layout path to the json output from inference.py
    • --ignore_ceiling prevent showing ceiling
    • See python layout_viewer.py -h for usage help.
  • Outputs: In the window, you can use mouse and scroll wheel to change the viewport

Your own dataset

See tutorial on how to prepare it.


To train on a dataset, see python train.py -h for detailed options explaination.

python train.py --id resnet50_rnn
  • Important arguments:
    • --id required. experiment id to name checkpoints and logs
    • --ckpt folder to output checkpoints (default: ./ckpt)
    • --logs folder to logging (default: ./logs)
    • --pth finetune mode if given. path to load saved checkpoint.
    • --backbone {resnet18,resnet50,resnet101} backbone of the network (default: resnet50)
    • --no_rnn whether to remove rnn (default: False)
    • --train_root_dir root directory to training dataset. (default: data/train)
    • --valid_root_dir root directory to validation dataset. (default: data/valid/)
    • --batch_size_train training mini-batch size (default: 8)
    • --epochs epochs to train (default: 300)
    • --lr learning rate (default: 0.0001)

Quantitative Evaluation - Cuboid Layout

To evaluate on LayoutNet dataset, first running the cuboid trained model for all testing images:

python inference.py --flip --pth ckpt/resnet50-rnn.pth --img_glob "data/test/img/*png" --output_dir tmp
  • --flip optional testing augmentation.
  • --img_glob shell-style wildcards for all testing images.
  • --output_dir path to the directory to dump results.

To get the quantitative result:

python eval_cuboid.py --dt_glob "tmp/*json" --gt_glob "data/test/label_cor/*txt"
  • --dt_glob shell-style wildcards for all the model estimation.
  • --gt_glob shell-style wildcards for all the ground truth. Replace "tmp/*json"
  • with "tmp/pano*json" for evaluate on PaonContext only
  • with "tmp/camera*json" for evaluate on Stanford2D3D only

The quantitative result for the pretrained model is shown below:

Testing Dataset 3D IoU(%) Corner error(%) Pixel error(%)
PanoContext 82.96 0.75 2.16
Stanford2D3D 83.80 0.65 1.96
All 83.53 0.68 2.02

Quantitative Evaluation - Genral Layout

Note: run inference.py with --relax_cuboid for general layout.

See eval_general.py, arguments are the same as eval_cuboid.py.


  • Faster pre-processing script (top-fron alignment) (maybe cython implementation or fernandez2018layouts)


  • Credit of this repo is shared with ChiWeiHsiao.
  • Thanks limchaos for the suggestion about the potential boost by fixing the non-expected behaviour of Pytorch dataloader. (See Issue#4)


Please cite our paper for any purpose of usage.

    author = {Sun, Cheng and Hsiao, Chi-Wei and Sun, Min and Chen, Hwann-Tzong},
    title = {HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout With 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation},
    booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month = {June},
    year = {2019}