Application Title: BridgePOSDATA API

The BridgePOSDATA API is a Node.js microservice designed to act as an intermediary between two other APIs, EON and POSDATA. The application provides a well-organized structure for developing RESTful APIs. It features a modular architecture with controllers, services, models, and middlewares. The app is set up to handle user authentication and includes a comprehensive set of utility functions for handling common tasks such as encryption, validation, and rendering responses.


The BridgePOSDATA API is responsible for receiving requests from the EON API, fetching data from the POSDATA API, and then formatting and filtering the data before returning it to the EON API. The application serves as a bridge between the two APIs, ensuring a smooth and efficient data flow.


  • Express.js server with a clear structure for controllers, services, models, and middlewares
  • Support for user authentication with encryption, password hashing, and UUID generation
  • Error handling and response rendering
  • Utility functions for common tasks
  • Configurable environment settings
  • Acts as an intermediary between the EON and POSDATA APIs

Directory Structure

  • application: Contains application-level code, such as superclass implementations for controllers and services
  • config: Stores configuration settings for different environments (e.g., development, production)
  • controllers: Holds the application's controller files, responsible for handling HTTP requests and rendering responses
  • helpers: Includes utility functions for various tasks, such as encryption, date manipulation, and validation
  • middlewares: Contains middleware functions for handling specific tasks, such as decrypting JWE payloads or printing HTTP responses
  • models: Defines data models and related methods for interacting with the application's data store
  • services: Holds service classes that handle the business logic of the application


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies
  3. Set the environment variables as needed (e.g., NODE_ENV)
  4. Start the server with npm start


The application will include API endpoints for receiving requests from EON, fetching data from POSDATA, and returning formatted and filtered data to EON. Specific endpoints and their usage will depend on the requirements and data types involved in the communication between EON and POSDATA APIs.


MIT License