Application Title: Node.js Backend Template

This application is a Node.js backend template designed to provide a well-organized structure for developing RESTful APIs. It features a modular architecture with controllers, services, models, and middlewares. The app is set up to handle user authentication, and it includes a comprehensive set of utility functions for handling common tasks such as encryption, validation, and rendering responses.


  • Express.js server with a clear structure for controllers, services, models, and middlewares
  • Support for user authentication with encryption, password hashing, and UUID generation
  • Error handling and response rendering
  • Utility functions for common tasks
  • Configurable environment settings

Directory Structure

  • application: Contains application-level code, such as superclass implementations for controllers and services
  • config: Stores configuration settings for different environments (e.g., development, production)
  • controllers: Holds the application's controller files, responsible for handling HTTP requests and rendering responses
  • helpers: Includes utility functions for various tasks, such as encryption, date manipulation, and validation
  • middlewares: Contains middleware functions for handling specific tasks, such as decrypting JWE payloads or printing HTTP responses
  • models: Defines data models and related methods for interacting with the application's data store
  • services: Holds service classes that handle the business logic of the application


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies
  3. Set the environment variables as needed (e.g., NODE_ENV)
  4. Start the server with npm start


The application includes several endpoints for testing and demonstration purposes. These endpoints can be accessed through the /mocha route:

  • GET /mocha/get/200: Returns a 200 OK response with a get payload
  • POST /mocha/post/201: Returns a 201 Created response with a post payload
  • PUT /mocha/put/202: Returns a 202 Accepted response with a put payload
  • PATCH /mocha/patch/202: Returns a 202 Accepted response with a patch payload
  • DELETE /mocha/del/204: Returns a 204 No Content response
  • GET /mocha/get/401: Returns a 401 Unauthorized response

Additionally, the app includes user authentication endpoints:

  • POST /user/signup: Creates a new user with a username and encrypted password
  • POST /user/signin: Authenticates a user with their username and password


MIT License