
Siri like for Call Center: it is a chatbot, able to answer a phone call (Nexmo API) and convert the user voice to text (Google Speech to text API), applying NLP to convert text to intention (SAP Conversational AI API), and answering to via voice synthesizer (Google Synthesizer API). This project is a prototype initiated with school mates to be implemented in a big call-center company.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dolores Demo Refactored

After cloning you need to :

  • brew install sox so you can record your voice
  • npm install
  • cp config/token_rename.js config/token.js
  • Add the recast key to config/token.js
  • Ask someone of the team for the Google Speech API key file and put it in config

Phone version:

  • Put the file private.key in the root folder "/" of your project
  • npm install -g nexmo-cli
  • nexmo setup <api-key> <api-secret>
  • ngork http 8000 -> Get the Forwarding address
  • nexmo app:update 0b35c0ac-e08b-4481-8df5-6c4764a522c2 'Callcenter' [ngrok address]/ncco [ngrok address]/events
  • npm run phone

Install Dolores

  • Copy the ./private folder from gdrive /root/doc & tuto/token/
  • Past the ./private folder here
  • npm reinstall
  • mkdir log

Mysql install and setup

  • brew install mysql
  • mysql.server start
  • mysql_secure_installation
  • Follow mysql instructions to make a secure install
  • mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=username --password
  • Enter your root password then to connect use this command:
  • mysql --login-path=local
  • With this method you dont have to type password in shell command line
  • create database dolores;

Mysql command

  • show databases;
  • Display database
  • use dolores
  • Select the database 'dolores'
  • exit
  • Disconnect

About Mysql Security

  • As Sequelize recommends we are using an operatorsAliases object to protect our code from json injection. But actually this object is empty and we should implement it later for security purpose