
Janus Telecom, i dev the internal web app + client backoffice + commercial showcase

Primary LanguagePHP

Internet provider PHP sources

Janus Telecom (RIP)

  • This startup selling suscription to internet connexion in student residence. The goal was to fill with the particular need of student who live in residence by installing connexion dispatcher and wi-fi router inside. The offer was 9.90 euro per month to use the wi-fi connexion.


  • Build an internal web application to manage & handle all data. Including payment api. Managing ldap(distant connexion dispatcher database) <- php() -> (our database)mysql. Using my personnal mvc implementation inspired from zend framework. Build tools for client support. And more..
  • Client backoffice.. basically a free like backoffice with possibility to suscribe for service like antivirus, phone suscription (ovh..) and view account information.
  • Showcase site for promotionnal purpose.